We'll Get Through It Together

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"I don't feel good." Bert would constantly complain.

now we would just


stay in his bedroom.

blinds, down,

keeping the light away.

I was nauseous,

and always scratching my body.

I even bled out sometimes.

Of course I wanted the sugar,

but I had to stay strong

just for Bert.

we were both sweaty

and I watched as Bert constantly wondered around the room

looking for




I also watched

as he ran to the bathroom

and puked

every so often.

He tried to eat

but never kept it down.

before bedtime,

I rubbed his back

and he vomited

for hopefully the final time


And I also watched him as he went to sleep,

stroking his head

and making sure he was okay.

It's okay if I didn't sleep.

I know I'll be okay,

I just need Bert to be too.


But the most horrifying day

was probably the first day of the second week.

That was the day,

Bert almost got past his breaking point.

I found Bert in the corner of the bedroom,


as if he were having a seziure.

of course I ran to him,

and tried to touch him.

"Bert?" I asked.

"I want them, Gerard." he told me,

"but I don't wanna go back.

I dont wanna go back.


He gripped my arm

so tight

I think it almost stopped my bloodflow.

"Gerard, don't let me do them again.


I know you can help me."

My face grew hot, "Bert, I'm trying to help. I am."

Bert shook violently.

Now I can see the sweat

that was almost dripping

off his body.

"Just make sure to pick me up if I fall, okay?"

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