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"...But I was so scared of accidentally offending people. Like I went to visit this Buddhist Shrine in Taiwan, and I was so afraid to step in there because I didn't know if something simple could make someone angry. And to give respect, I went to go bow at one of the Buddha statues. I turned to Ray, one of my band mates, and gave him a look of sheer terror like: 'Am I doing this right?!? I have no idea about what the fuck I'm doing.'"

Frank and I burst out laughing.
It's been a long time
I had moments like

"I'm really jealous of you Mikey, I wanna go around the world in my band."
Frankie would pout.

"But Frankie, at least people will let you play at their bars and stuff. That means they like your music."

"Thanks, Gerard."

I let off a big smile.
Everything just felt
So perfect
And in the right place.

"I can't believe the view you have outside these windows."
Mikey's head was snapped
To the right ride of the room
Where three giant windows were together,
Making up a large portion
Of that wall.

Our beautiful house was on a high foundation,
so even on the first floor,
nobody could see in.

"You should look upstairs." I giggle.

I jump up and
run to the floor
Mikey was in second place.
Frankie came last.

My eyes gleamed
at the sight,
Mikey's shined
just as much

Maybe even more.

His jaw was literally dropping.
"I never knew that a second story view could be so gorgeous..."

I jumped to his direction,
"Neither did I, but it gets even prettier at night.
The lights from passing cars
Literally float like orbs

"Please show me before I leave."

"Will do!"
I giggled again.

After that there was a moment of silence.

Mikey was content
Staring out that
And Frank was in the corner
Minding his own

And I was just
Standing there.

I looked at a clock
That hanged on the wall.

I clapped,
"I should make dinner,
and we can all eat up here.
Then Mikey, we can all watch the sunset."

Frank smiled.
He liked that.
Maybe sometime
Just him and I
Should do the
It would be a romantic evening.

"Gerard, that's a great idea."
He said.

"You are too wonderful."
Mikey praised me.

It's just that
I wanted to make
My little brother happy.

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