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My sweets were gone!

I searched everywhere!


couch, my pillow, in a jar, our dresser, bookshelves, and Frank's guitar case.


My eyes stung

I knew because of

the eyeliner.

And even that

makes them tear up even more.

Ugly and puffy,

I run to Frank,

"Frankie, where is it?!?

Where are my sweets?"

"I found them," he said, "You secretive bastard."

Frank, please!

"I threw them away."

I was bawling


"Why would you throw them away?!?


Frankie, those were special to me!!!"

As if I could erase everything,

and still think

they were just

precious white


"Gerard, don't you have any common sense??? I KNEW wht you were keeping was cocaine. You should know that'll fuck you up!"

I did



the feel i n g.

"I'm so sorry." I say.

I'm gonna collapse.

I need to escape

This place.

There's only one place

where Heaven remains.

It's where that gorgeous materpeice lays,

and that room,

is the art room.

The only sane place left

in this house.

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