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...Or maybe he didn't.

Too bad the man

was dead drunk,

and that's when I began

to fight for the drink in his hand.

He whined.

"Stop," I growl,
"you're acting like you're five."

I felt bad for him.

He was gonna have a horrible headache in the end.

But it wasn't wise of me to sit next to him.

I snatched the whiskey from him

and pushed it away from him.

He climbed over me to get it.

I shrieked,
"Bert, get off of me!"

He jolted back in surprise,

It seemed my cries knocked some sense back into him.

He was utterly dazed.

We were static, staring in each other's eyes.

His pink, nasty,

puffy eyes

and my hazel ones.

I broke out laughing,

I couldn't believe what just happened!

His face was just- priceless!

It was like we were friends again!

He laughed too,

pointed at the whiskey,
"You can keep it."

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