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Bert started feeling better

within a week or two after that.

he could even

keep his food down.

I was still

feeling groggy.

and I felt so weak

when I was sad.

I was hungry,

so I pulled out a blender,

and blended some bananas and strawberries.

the concoction looked delicious,

and as I drank it

I looked at it

but to my dismay,

I saw a pool of ants

swimming around in the mixture.

the scare caused me

to drop the blend,

making Bert run in.

"Gerard!" he yelled, "what happened?!?"

I shook,

almost unable to speak at all.

"There's ants in my food.

I swallowed that ants."

Bert examined the spilt beverage on the floor.

"What are you talking about??? The food was completely clean-"

but the feeling kept building

and building

until i ran to the nearest toilet

and threw up the contents

inside my stomach.

I almost choked.

Dear god,

The ants were in my vomit.

some were alive,

some were dead.

I covered my mouth,

and sat back.

they're all over me now

and i keep scratching

and itching

to make them go away.

but they don't!

I don't think they will!

My skin stings so much.

Bert came in.

"They're in my puke," I quivered, and repeated and repeated and repeated.

"did you flush the toilet?" He asked.

I shook my head.

then Bert became hesitant

and slowly peeked over the toilet.

then flushed it.

"Gerard, there's nothing in there."

"Yes there is! Can't you see them crawling all over me?!?!? Why won't you help me????"

Bert was absolutely puzzled,

"Gerard, there's nothing on you."

"But I feel them. They aren't going away. I'm itching everywhere because of them."

Bert looked at me in the eye,

"look, it has to be a withdrawal symptom.

Gerard, I got through it.

you are too."

I wanted the sugar back.

it wouldn't make me okay though.

I know what will make me okay.

I know

I know

Ive known for a long time

I want Frank.


That gif because everything is getting too serious omg

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