Fucked Up

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A smile stretched arcoss his face,
And he exclaimed,
"The shows were so wonderful, I met so many people."

His eyes started to glitter again,

"I signed autographs and people made art for me and it was just...

...So much..."

His voice grew brittle,
"Compassion. I felt like I was so important to so many people. and I loved how they told me these stories on how I inspired them. It feels really wonderful to leave an impact on someone like that..."

Then he was cut out by crying,
"but I missed you after every gig.
I missed how I couldn't come home to you after a show,
I missed holding you,
I missed kissing you,
I missed your hair, and your eyes, your smell, your voice.

I missed you entirely.
I never had you there to witness how wonderful it all was."

I held his head up to my chest, stroking his raven hair,

"Frank, those are your memories.
Some are so great that only one person deserves to know them.

Keep them."

I tried to comfort him.
We stood like that for a good minute.

Then he pushed off of me.
He noticed something,
"Holy fuck," he breathed.

The mood changed me.

"Gerard, the cap is still down,"
He wouldn't move his eyes from the kitchen counter,
"When was the last time you took your medicine???"

Oh my God,
"I-I don't know..."

He rushed my pills to my face,
As if he was gonna force them down my throat,
"take them now!!!!!"

I remembered what Bert had told me, though.

"But Frank, no matter how much medicine I receive, I'll still be fucked up in the end."

"Where did you come up with that??"

"My friend told me."

"They're wrong, okay? You're still you, and the pills just treat it like a sickness. You're going to get over this."

Nothing lasts forever.

"I'm still the bad me, though," I let out, "Frank, I'll always be the bad me... I need to get it out of me.

But at the same time, I feel like this is me."

Frank's hands shook.
He put the pills closer to my face,
"Gerard, please! Take your medicine!"

"I want to be normal, though." I said, "but I can't."

And I revealed the scar on my wrist.

"Gerard, you will never be normal. Not because of that, but because nobody is fucking normal."

He wrapped his arms around me,
"Please, take your meds."

He had a point.
I nodded,
And swallowed them.

"I want to watch tv." I said, leaned back.

"I'm going to go to sleep," he told me, "and I don't think it's best for you to watch it."

I scoffed.

Tonight was not the night I imagined.


"Just don't."

And he disappeared.


Lmao Frank Iero quote


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