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We arrived,
Ignorant to the fact that we had
To know a password
In order to get inside.

Patrick was bickering with security,
Then tried Pete.

I was about to start when
Bert appeared from inside.

He touched my security guard's shoulder,
"They're with me."

That made him nod approvingly,
Let us enter.

I stuck to Bert,
Since I saw all these people, dancing so closely,
Some grinding on each other.

I felt violated just seeing it.

I was freaking out,
I needed a drink to calm down.

Bert poured me a bottle,
The sound relaxed me
Since I knew what was awaiting me.

Bert sat next to me,
Watching me,
Towering over me.
Perhaps he was guarding me.

I looked around, scanned the room
For Pete and Patrick.

They were in a dark corner.
Tucked away from everyone else.
It was clear that they didn't belong there.

I realized Bert had been looking in the same direction
As me.

He didn't know what I was looking at, though,

"I see your shirt fits you."
He smiled.

That made me smile too,

"Do you like your drink?"

I gave a nod
He reached for me
And brushed my hair from my eyes
As I thought about Frank.

I wanted to tell him how anxious and happy I was,

But no.

I didn't want to hurt him like that.

"What's wrong? You're not talking much."

I look at him,
"It's nothing. I have nothing to talk about."
I gave out a soft laugh.

"Well," he swivels around,
"We can talk about how pretty your eyes are."

"No." I tell him,
He's not playing this game on me again,
"Can we talk about something different?"

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