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Ariella's POV

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Ariella's POV

"Please she was literally warned and she apologised for the eye thing but she does it again?"

"Tell me why people get mad over her wearing two different coloured contacts but say it's hot when a man does it?"

"Please they did it as a concept for animals, she did it because she wanted to."


"Gosh she looks so ugly why is she in the group again?"

"Did you see the last time she was at the airport she was wearing Renjun's jumper? Literally a whore."

"Oh god it's Lilia from Enhypen all over again."

"Is she gonna leave and be a drama queen like Lilia too just to come back?"

"Don't even talk about that other bitch they're both disgusting."

"I swear I got her photocard in my album and traded it with a Jaemin P.C. the next day."

"People wanted the photocard? Wtf."

"Yeah they're delusional. Will say whatever she does is okay just because she's their idol."

"Yeah I used to like her but she did it even after being warned about it. Like that shows her true colours."

"If only she knew the pain people go through when they have two coloured eyes. They get bullied so much."

"I know right! And she's getting idolised for it."

I kept my head down, blocking out the words I heard as we walked through the airport back. It was just as crowded as last time, but instead of standing at the back I stood in the middle, body guards taking the hits.

"She'll never know what it feels like to be treated different for the colour of your eyes."

But I do.

I wanted to scream it out. But I couldn't. I didn't have the energy to.

Sooner then I thought we reached the car, but before I could do so, I felt my hand being pulled away and hit against something bad.

"I know who you are."

I look up at the man lazily, my eyes drifting to the bodyguards who were trying to get through another group of people.

"I'll get you one day. I'm warning you."

I look up at the man, his hand holding my jaw. "Why won't you say anything? Or even fight back?" He asks and I close my eyes for a second before looking up. I feel his fist come in contact with my rib, before it soon came in contact with my cheek.


I don't do anything, I felt so drained and I didn't know why. "All an act for the fans huh? Like I said, I'll get you sooner or later."

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