T H I R T Y • F O U R

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Unknown's POV

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Unknown's POV

"Are you seriously going to tell her that?"

"It's time, I want her to know."

"How exactly are you going to bring that topic up?"

"I don't know.."

"You can't just go up to her and say it."

"Yes I can."

"Okay say it out loud then."

"Hey Ariella, I'm your dead brother!"

"Oh right that soun-."


A couple days later

Ariella's POV

"Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Renjun, Happy Birthday to you!"

We all cheer and count to 25 before watching him blow out the candles.

"We really rented out the whole venue for this."

I look around at the 23 guys around me, including the 7 younger men and women, chuckling. "I mean we all got a day off somehow so.. yeah." Johnny says.

One by one we give gifts and I decide to give mine last.

While everyone's talking and eating the random small appetisers, I walk up to Renjun with a large wrapped box.

"Woah what the hell is in here."

I smile shyly. "Uhm.. I didn't know what to get you because while everyone talks about the things they like.. you listen? So I like.. had no clue what to buy you so I bought random stuff.." I quickly rant.

He stares at me for a second before laughing, taking the box and placing it on the ground. He sits down and I sit down too, watching him unwrap the present.

He takes off the lid of the big box and see's different sizes of boxes all inside like a puzzle piece.

(You're my missing puzzle piece.)

He opens the biggest one first, seeing a new pair of shoes he always stole from Chenle.

(Idk their feet sizes I'm making this shit up)

"Yoooo it looks even better than chenle's. He might steal mine now." We chuckle at how he quickly closes it when Chenle walks past, going to another box.

"This looks familar.."

I watch him hold up a jumper. "It's a similar jumper to the one you gave me. I felt bad after that day so here's a better one?" I say weirdly and he smiles, putting it back in the box. "You might see me wear this everyday now."

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