S E V E N T Y • O N E

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Author's POV

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Author's POV

"I'm worried though. If it was easy, maybe they expected it? Or they knew before hand you were coming. Mhm.. yeah tell them to keep tracking."

"Also. We've already investigated the girl right? Her statements on her family were true?"

"Yes miss, we've followed the cctv around her whereabouts and we've caught them taking her family. We have a series of footage that can prove what she did wasn't on her own accord. While it won't set her free, it'll lessen her sentence, especially because she's young."

"That's great. Also tell my father to convince my company not to press chargers, and that I said so."

"Yes miss. Is there anything else?"

"No not for now. I'll call you if I need anything else."

The line hangs up. Ariella turns to look at the three sleeping boys but is met with three pairs of wide eyes staring at her.

"Yeah nearly died yesterday, no biggie. Wakes up the next morning to make a business call, all fine and okay. Nothing happened right? All just a dream."

Ariella smiles at Renjun's sarcastic comments. "I'm more surprised you aren't used to it." Kevin yawns and gets up, Jisung left to just stare at Ariella.

"I'm surprised that I'm surprised." Jisung comments, his voice lower than usual before he rolls off the bed. "I'm showering first." Kevin says and brings a bag into the bathroom.

"So.. what happened yesterday?" Ariella asks, slightly confused on why more bags and wires were attached to her.

"Oh yeah so yo-."

"Wait what happened to your arm?" Ariella cuts jisung off, looking at the bandage around his arm. "Oh. It's nothing I was playing around with it for fun and Kevin Hyung wrapped it around my arm."

It felt normal calling Kevin his hyung, but it felt weird realising he was actually his brother by blood and not choice.

"Ptff why are you lying? Are you shy or something?" Renjun teases Jisung, looking at the younger from his position on the bed. Jisung doesn't say anything, yet goes through his bag.

"I can see blood."

Jisung looks down at his arm. "Oh."

"He's too shy to tell you he saved your life." Renjun says and Ariella raises a brow. "I saw my medical chart earlier, I had internal bleeding and lost blood. I also woke heard rumours about how a patient lost blood while there was no more of her blood type in storage. So I'm guessing that was me and you have me your blood since we're the same blood type?"

The two boys turn towards her in shock.

"How the hell did you connect everything so accurately.." Jisung says, his eyes glancing at Renjun in shock.

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