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"What are you doing here Haru?"

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"What are you doing here Haru?"

The boy smiles widely. "Aren't you happy to see your little brother?" He pouts, tilting his head at her. "You're not my brother."

"Oh yeah you know your real brother now. How is he?"

"You haven't answered my question so why should I answer yours." She says, taking her chopsticks and digging into the food. "If I recall correctly, I asked you a question first."

He puts his head on his chin as if he was acting in a cuter manner, the girl ignoring his expression. "I thought the answer was quite obvious. If you still can't figure it out, no I don't miss you." He rolls his eyes at her answer and leans back into his chair.

She takes a spoon and takes some of her rice and meat, then dips it into the soup before eating it. "Now answer my question, what are you doing here?" she questions, putting her utensils down and looking at the younger.

"Don't stop taking the blood thinners."

She looks up at the man, making eye contact. "Is that a threat?"

"It isnt, but if you don't listen it will be."

Ariella leans back in her seat and looks at him. "Why are you telling me to keep taking the blood thinners knowingly?"

He doesn't answer the question.

"You don't need to take it now. But whenever you're close to going home take small bits by bits everyday." He instructs. "Are you basically telling me to slowly kill myself? You think I'd listen?"

"Well thats why I said take it in small bits when you're about to go home, so whenever your little scars have healed." He says in a hushed tone, leaning on the table.

"Why should I lis-."

"Just do it."

"Your father set you up for this? His errand boy?" She silently teases. "He doesn't know I'm here, or what's happening. To him he thinks the last attack we'd had on you was that crazy girl from last time. After you attacked entered our warehouse we moved and haven't done anything."

"What about the girl with the red hair?"

"The girl with the red hair is mine. She works for me."

Ariella scoffs, looking to the side. "So you tried to kill me? Kinda dumb though since it only made me grow a-."


She glances at the boy when he finishes her sentence. "So keep taking it. I made her hide multiple strong tablets under your bed mattress. Take them every day. Don't hurt yourself make sure you don't bleed so you can keep using it."

She felt confused.

"You sound so nice as if you're telling me to take medications for my health. But you're telling me to take fucking blood thinners." She laughs shortly, shaking her head.

The Kill For Survival | Huang RenjunWhere stories live. Discover now