Chapter 4

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"You're so evil! I don't understand why anybody likes you!". You yell, flying back once more into a wall. "Because I'm hella better than you, extra! Nobody likes you! They pretend to be yer fucking friend!". He screams. His body looms over you, smacking you as you try to defend yourself.

Without warning, he was pulled back, as you gasp for air.

"I hate you, I hate you and this god damn school!". You scream, before getting up and running to the girls changing room.

"are you seriously fighting like an idiot in the halls? do you want to be a hero?!". Aizawa yells, keeping Bakugo wrapped up tightly in his capture weapon.

The door to 1-A opens, revealing all the students stood there before getting into their seats. "She fucking started it!". Bakugo yells. Aizawa squints, before Kaminari stands up. "Yeah, it's true". He hums, before Sero smacks him. "You idiot!". He whisper yells.

"get on with the books I gave you last week". Aizawa hums, as the cheerful tune of Present Mic walks by. "mic, look after the class would you? i need to go find Y/N". He hums, sighing.

"Sure thing Sho bro!". Mic says, finger guns in the air. Aizawa shakes his head. How the hell does he still have a friend like Mic in his life? Let alone put up with him.

"Mom? I want to come home. I hate it here. I was wrong, maybe I should be a police officer". You sob down the phone, crouched down into one of the showers in the changing room.

"Woah, woah bee what's happened?". Your mother asks, sounding worried. "Kastuki, he keeps bullying me. He wrote that note". You whisper, hearing footsteps pass the changing room.

"I'll be sure to let his mother know, has he hurt you? You're crying". She hums. "He hit me, we had a fight before- well, I think Mr. Aizawa pulled him back. But I just, it's so stressful with him around and I don't see what I've done wrong! He's such a bully". You whimper, head into your knees.

"Oh bee, shall I come collect you then? I'll just say- well, it's a family emergency". She hums once more.

"Are you sure Shota? She came this way?".

'All Might?'

"yup, there's not many places to go at this side of the building" Aizawa hums, his heavy footsteps getting closer. "Well, I'll check the rest of the classrooms down here, it's best to have a look in the changing rooms". All Might softly says, before hearing his footsteps disappear.

"I- I gotta go". You whisper ever so quietly, ending the call.

His footsteps were slow, and gentle. It confused you to the pattern he took. Step, stop, step step stop.

'What is he doing?' You question your thoughts.

"Y/N I know you're in here". Aizawa hums. You cover your mouth quickly, to get rid of your breathing and panic. "Bakugo is being dealt with, now, are you hurt?". He asks, monotone voice soothing your nerves.

Again, you stay quiet, tears now flooding your eyes.

"hm..i guess she's not in here then". Aizawa hums, once more, hearing his footsteps leave the room.

You sit for a few moments, before standing up, sighing heavily before inhaling deeply and exhaling, leaving the shower stall.

"GAH!". You yell, jumping back.

There stood Aizawa, arms crossed. Facial expression soft, concerned but annoyed.

"why didn't you say something? i knew you were hiding in here". He says, eyes watching you. You bite down on your lip, playing with your hands. "I...I uh". You hum, before he comes closer, inspecting you.

"huh". He hums.

Without warning, his cold soft hand touches your face, making you shiver inside. Your eyes gaze at his, following every movement. His eyes meet yours for a split second, staring, analysing before sighing.

"go and see recovery girl, she'll fix it in no time". He says pulling away. "and I expect to see you back in class after, understood Y/N?". He says, walking away.

"Y-yes Mr. Aizawa!". You say, quickly heading out after him, making your way to recovery girls office.

It didn't take long to head to Recovery Girl's office, to heal then to head back to class. The moment you walked in, all eyes were on you. You quickly take your seat next to Kirishima and Sero, who smile like dorks towards you. "Feeling better?". Sero asks. You quickly nod. "Bakugo can be a huge jerk sometimes, but I think it's because he cares. He just doesn't like showing it". You hum softly, as Kirishima nods.

"stop talking you three, now". Aizawa hums. You, Sero and Kirishima apologise before grinning.

Honestly you couldn't ask for better classmates. Of course you were close to Uraraka, and you could relate to her with your poor family situation, parents working all the time and being left alone, even when working full time it's not enough money to support you fully.

Kirishima was the first to greet you when seeing you at the entrance exams, and you bumped into Sero during the course of the exam. They helped you along the way, and either way they are like brothers to you.

Midoriya, well...he's also like a brother. A little brother that you never had.

As the day goes by, work gets harder as you work on different subject before the class crowd up for the bell to ring to go home.

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