Chapter 56

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The week had passed

Many missed calls and messages from your friends, and U.A teachers. But you didn't even want to answer them.

Dealing with loss was hard, and you had strong hatred for Amiri.

"Stupid bitch". You hum, pacing around your living room. Each slight breakdown brought your hand to the wall, or a blade to your skin. Even Midoriya and Bakugo were non stop calling you, and you didn't dare to answer.

Nala comes up to you, purring. "What's up?". You hum.

She runs over to her food bowl. "Ah, you have no food...". You say, sighing. "I'll be back soon okay? I'll grab some and come back". You say smiling.

The satisfying lock of your door makes a smile appear upon your face. The slow setting sunset was different for you, but nice.

"Gah!". You yell, falling onto your ass. The familiar grunt of Aizawa making your eyes widen in fear.

"kitten, please-!". "Go away!". You yell, getting up to run off.

A hiss emits from your mouth, Aizawa's hand wrapped around your wrist. "Get off get off!". You yell, yanking it away. Instead you failed miserably.

Aizawa looked rough....really rough...

"kitten...please..." Aizawa begs, his head down with Shame. Though you couldn't help but notice the slight covered up bruise around his eye.

"A...Aizawa". You hum, closing in on him. Aizawa flinches before apologising. "i do hope you're ready for summer camp next week". He says, montone voice making you flutter hard inside. "Hah, all the hard training you're going to put us through? You don't just do and easy summer training camp for no reason". You say softly.

"about the other-". "Doesn't matter. I'm passed it". You say, before he lets go of your wrist as you continue to walk to the nearest store.

Once you had gotten your cat food, you head back. A familiar angry yell in the distance has your eyes rolling. "Kaachan?". You hum, turning around.

His body slams into yours, fists grilling at your shirt. "YOU FUCK YOU HAD US ALL WORRIED!". He yells, spit landing on your face. "It''s complicated". You say. "Yeah right fucking complicated!". He says, getting off, as you struggle to stand up.

"Come on". You say, walking next to him, your arm wrapped around his as you head back to your apartment.

As soon as you got there, you and Bakugo turned to each other. The yelling and shouting from Aizawa's place startled you. Instantly, Bakugo grabs you before speeding off to the place.

The door was wide open, Present Mic and Nemuri stood there, as was Amiri and Aizawa. His quirk was activated, pissed off to the touch.

"What's going on?". You ask, dull sad eyes looking up at the teachers. "Y/N! Where have you been ya dig?!". Hizashi hums, almost crying. "I've..needed time to myself". You say.

Amiri smirks, watching you.

Bakugo kisses his teeth.

"What's so funny?". You say, clenching your hands. Bakugo notices this before placing his on yours.

"Nothing, just that you lost, I won. Shota is mine". She says smiling.

"So that's what fucking happened". Bakugo whispers to you. The familiar feeling of grief overwhelms you. Quirk activating as your lasso around Amiri's leg, dragging her to your apartment.

Bakugo laughs, watching Amiri cry for help from Aizawa, Nemuri and Hizashi. "Shouldn't we stop this?". Neumri says. "let Y/N have her. Kachko's caused a lot of damage between us". Aizawa says sighing heavily. Hizashi rubs Aizawa's back. "Listen bro, I'm pretty sure Y/N will understand". He says. Aizawa smirks. "i'm sure she will". He says before heading into his bedroom.

Hizashi and Nemuri exchange looks. "Should we get Yagi?". Hizashi hums. Nemuri shakes her head. "Not ideally, I thought you and Shota were close?". Nemuri says. "Well duh! But Yagi can talk mano to mano". Hizashi says grinning.

The door to your apartment slams, throwing Amiri down the hallway to your little place. "I don't know why you're constantly harassing me and Shota, but it stops now". You say, standing your ground with Bakugo raising his arms behind you.

"T-the fuck do you think you are you little freak?!". Amiri says, standing up. "You had the audacity to threaten me. Just because my uncles are apart of the League of Villains. My parents are DEAD because of them, parents that I loved DEARLY". You hiss.

"Not to fucking mention that you're sleeping with a 16 year old student". Bakugo says, spitting.

"Wait, what?". You say. "Sero". Bakugo hums.

"You have no Proof you little fucks". Amiri says, activating her quirk. You and Bakugo quickly cover your nose and mouth, as she grins. "Let's add a bit of murder shall we?". Amiri hums, a red Misty smoke appearing from her.

You cough, before your rubber rope tightens around her waist. "You've manipulated and destroyed a teacher who works hard for his students". You say.

"A teacher you're dating! It's wrong!". She yells. "He's mine, Shota's mine!". Amiri screams, making Bakugo yell back. "LISTEN HERE YOU STUPID FUCK! WHIP FACE LOVES HIM, AND IF YOU'RE GONNA GET IN THE FUCKING WAY I'LL KILL YOU MYSELF!".

Amiri trembles, as you walk towards her. Bakugo hit her, blood flying from her face. With a quick tap of your lasso, she panics, unable to hear, unable to see.

You push her out of your apartment, leaving her to scream for help.

Bakugo grins at you. "Well you little shit, didn't know you had it in you". He says ruffling your hair. "She's been manipulating Aizawa with her quirk to force him to love her". You say, sleeves rolled up.

Bakugo eyes up your bandages.

"It's...nothing". You hum, as Nala comes running towards the both of you. "Might wanna get them covered by Recovery Girl tomorrow". Bakugo says.

"I know....and I'm sorry". You say. Tears slide down your face, as you lean onto Bakugo's shoulder. "I..I should've told you..told everyone". You hum. "Don't worry about it fuck face. We'll expose that bitch for who she is". He says.

Could you believe it? way...

Bakugo was smiling! SMILING!

"Alright Kaachan, you might wanna head off. I want to try sort things out with Aizawa". You say, giggling. "You know where I am if you need me nerd". Bakugo says, petting Nala before leaving.

You grab your phone texting Aizawa

Am I allowed to come over? Or is Hizashi going to cry all over me?

don't worry, Nemuri is keeping him company

Thank you

As you pick Nala up, you head a few doors down to Aizawa's apartment. Honestly you thought that Hizashi lived in his own place, but clearly not. They shared an apartment.

Aizawa stands there, eyes dried and sore before smiling softly at you.

Tears filled you eyes, before crying harshly.

"i'm so, so sorry, kitten".

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