Chapter 37

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Bakugo was currently sat with you in your room, helping you do some research for the exam tomorrow. Ideally you were bricking it, terrified that you wouldn't pass.

"Idiot! That's not the right answer!". Bakugo hums, chewing on a biscuit, the crumbs spitting at you. "Kaachan, swallow before you talk!". You say, giggling. Bakugo rolls his eyes.

A knock at the door startles you both.

"Aren't you going to fucking get it?". Bakugo hums. "I...I don't know who it is". You hum. "Tch, fine, I'll get it but you're coming with". Bakugo says, dragging you by your arm downstairs.

As he unlocks the door, he opens it...

"What the hell do you want teach?!". Bakugo says, teeth sharply raised at Aizawa. Your eyes widen in hurt, tearing up. "pack it in Bakugo". Aizawa says. "i'm here to see Y/N". He says, glaring at you.

You turn away, tears starting once more. "Fucking great! You've set her off again!". Bakugo yells, slamming the door before locking it. "Come on fucker, you don't need him". Bakugo says, taking you back upstairs.

After hours pass, Bakugo decided it was best to stay the night, as he figured Aizawa would try come back once again...Although Bakugo didn't like expressing his feelings, you were like a sister to him that he wanted- no needed to protect.

As he slept on the couch downstairs, you slept in your room, wide awake staring at the ceiling.

The class 1-A group chat was going off, as well as Aizawa's and Yagi's messages, including some unknown ones.

kitten, please let me explain

why is Bakugo there? you haven't told him have you? I won't be angry if you have

she came onto me, her quirk involves many mists that can possess and control the human body, clearly she used lust on me

kitten please let me explain, it hurts that you're shutting me out

Your tears slide down your face, before noticing Yagi's text

Young L/N, I heard about what happened...Shota's ex is back Huh?...

He really kissed her whilst you were there? The teachers are talking about it in the lounge

If you need to talk, I am here, Y/N

You smile, quickly typing back.

Thank you Yagi....I...I appreciate it...I guess I'm just all broken up now...I...I...

Do you need to talk? I'm here to listen

I don't know what to do...I think..I just need to have some time alone, though maybe we could meet up tomorrow after the exams? A nightly walk would be nice

That's okay with me. Though I will be training with young Midoriya before hand

That's okay...Goodnight Yagi

A sigh escapes your lips, before eyes watering with sadness..

"Why do I even try?...". You ask, silently sobbing into your pillow, the scent of Aizawa sending you over the edge to cry harder...

Though the thoughts of darkness indulge your mind, sighing heavily, you do what you need to do, before cleaning up the bloodied mess, bandaging your arms up.

With that, you fall asleep, next to the sharpened blunt blade.

The morning sun rises, shining through your window as your alarm sets off. The angry yells of Bakugo yelling your name makes you jump, heading downstairs in a long sleeved shirt with shorts.

"Kaachan?". You hum, rubbing your eyes. "Finally, your awake". Bakugo says, placing food down on the table. "K-Kaachan?...y-you didn't have to". He rolls his eyes, scratching his hair.

"S'fine idiot". He says, hand on your shoulder sitting next to you. "You might wanna cover up your eyes". Bakugo hums. "Huh?". You say. "They're red, you've been crying all night". He says, monotone and soft. "Oh...yeah...Aizawa messaged me saying he wanted to apologise". You hum.

Suddenly, Bakugo's fork melts in his hand. "S-should I get a new one?". You hum, getting up. Bakugo's hand slams down on yours.

"I fucking hate to say this, and you better not tell any fucker else! Especially the extras". He says.

A sigh emits from his mouth.

"I care for you Y/N, I hate seeing you hurt. Especially now you have no mom or dad to care for you". He says, swallowing his pride down his throat. "Who knew the angry chihuahua would be so soft with me?". You whisper, tears in your eyes.

Bakugo growls under his breath before pulling you into him. "Shut it nerd". He hums, before taking both of your plates in. "You have no food either, so I'm taking you shopping after the exams". He says, hearing the dishes clink together. "Kaachan..." You hum, softly smiling.

"But you owe me big time, fucker". He says grinning. You roll your eyes. "Okay, whatever you need Kaachan. Anyways I'm getting ready, we want to set off soon". You say, heading upstairs to get ready.

Instead of your normal short sleeved shirt, you put on a long sleeved one with a jumper and your blazer. You wear tights underneath to hide the mess you've caused, before grabbing your bag and heading downstairs to see Bakugo.

"What happens now?". He asks. "What do you mean?". You say, locking the door behind the both of you. "You're living alone, freak, you're not an adult yet". He says, grabbing your wrist and dragging you away from the house.

"I'm not sure..." You say, sighing. "And you're sitting with me at lunch. I don't give a fuck with what Deku says". He hums. "You're under my protection now".

The rest of the walk was quiet between the two of you, before heading through the gates of U.A.

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