Chapter 32

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"are these?-". "No no, they're not what you think...It's just the scars from the USJ incident". You say, nervous.

"you know, they're beautiful". He says. "Pft...I wish..they're ugly, and it makes me ugly". You say, biting your lip. "do you really think that?". Aizawa says, sitting up. "Well I mean look at me. Even after all the working out I still can't be thin like the other girls. And covered in scars either doesn't help". You say sighing.

Aizawa had to admit. He never really likes girls that didn't have anything to them. He loved cuddling into the fatness of a body..especially yours.

"if that's what you think then". He says. "want my opinion?". He says. You squint before nodding. "i think you're beautiful". He says. "Shota...". You whine, blushing. "i mean it. i don't date students, but you're an exception". He says. "What's that supposed to mean?". You ask.

He grunts, sighing.

"are you idiotic?". He asks. "No?". You hum. "then figure it out kitten". He says, drinking his coffee.

"I mean, it's like adding 0 to 0 then getting 8". You say giggling.

"i swear if you wasn't so cute I'd yell at you for being dumb". He says. "Awww!". You say smiling. "I think you're cute too Shota! Especially sleeping. That's cute". You say giggling. Aizawa grins, a blush upon his cheeks.

"I don't think I've asked this before..but have you ever been in a relationship?". You ask. "a few, never lasted more than a few months. things happen and get in the way". He says.

His eyes look towards you.

"you haven't been in one have you?". He asks.

Your face and body heats up in embarrassment.

"N-no..." You say, stuttering. Aizawa chuckles, taking your coffee from you and placing it down, wrapping you into his arms.

"then I'll make sure to take good care of you". He says smiling. "Pft, is it right to say I love you? That I love my teacher, a pro hero who always sleeps? Who makes my heart skip a beat?". You say.

Aizawa rolls his eyes in disbelief. "now you're getting carried away". He says, smuggling you.

"Hey Aizawa?". You say. "hm?". He hums half asleep.

"Can...can I have another kiss?". You ask.

Aizawa grins. "you don't need to ask". He says.

"I just...I like it when you do it". You say smiling.

Aizawa pulls you close, hand under your chin chin the other caressing your sides. Your lips meet, making your heart flutter and tingle, adrenaline rushing through your veins.

Oh how exotic it felt, just pleasurable.

Your leg lifts up, placing itself over Aizawa's making him grin within the kiss. "needy, kitten?". He asks.

" make me feel all sorts of things..." You pant, kissing Aizawa back.

"we shouldn't rush it" he hisses, fingers trailing your curves. You shiver at the touch, stroking his face. "Stop making me feel this!". You say pouting. "oh? i make you feel like that huh?". Aizawa asks, grinning. His tongue licks your lips, making you shiver instantly before cuddling into his chest.

"Shoootaaaa". You whines as Aizawa laughs huskily. "you're so easy to tease, Y/N". He says grinning, arms snuggling you into him. "I'll get you back, I will". You say grinning. "I'd like to see you try, kitten". He says, before you both fall back asleep.

You and Aizawa slept for a few hours, before he woke up before you.

Aizawa's eyes look towards your phone for the time, realising Yagi, and The hospital had missed called you several times. "kitten". Aizawa whispers, shaking you.

You groan, swatting him away. "Meh". You hum. Aizawa grins. "come on, wake up". He says. You grown once more, before your eyes look towards him pouting. "Well aren't you the first once awake". You say.

"the hospital have missed called you". He says.

Quickly, you redial the number, climbing out of bed before shoving a shirt on.

"Yes! Hello, Y/N L/N here". You say. "Hi Miss L/N...We want to inform you on your fathers condition..

We are very very sorry, but he is showing signs of multiple organ failure". The female doctor says.

Your phone slips from out of your hand, bouncing off your flooring. With an instant, Aizawa gets up as you collapse, screaming your lungs out.

'No...NO NO NO! Not both parents! NOT BOTH!' You thought.

"Miss L/N? Are you still there? We know it's hard". The doctor says. Aizawa picks up the phone. "hello?". Aizawa hums. "I-Oh. Is this L/N's partner? Is she okay?". The doctor asks.

Aizawa hesitates.

"no, I'm a teacher at U.A, pro hero Eraserhead. She's currently doing extra lessons on her hero course- though she's now crying". He says, brows furrowed in worry at your saddened state.

"Ah...Eraserhead, be sure to take care of Y/N and bring her by as soon as you can. Her father is in multiple organ failure and probably doesn't have until the rest of the day. We're very, very sorry". She says before putting the phone down.

Aizawa couldn't believe it had just lost a parent so many months ago, and now another?..

"kitten.." Aizawa hums, picking up your fragile form before cuddling you.

"I...*hic* I cant!". You yell, clutching onto Aizawa for dear life.

"kitten..." Aizawa hushes, stroking your hair. "I want to go *hic* back to bed". You hiss. "alright kitten..i'm going to go out for a little bit, but I'll be back alright?". Aizawa says.

You nod, before he bundles you up in your covers, leaving your house to head to U.A.

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