Chapter 80

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Thoughts whir through your mind.

'Everyone else has parents, why do mine have to die?'

'I bet I'm a freak for having no parents, what's the point of being proud?'

A sudden flicker of a couple, flash in your mind.

A sigh emits from your mouth, covered in sweat. Your legs weren't as bad as they were yesterday. Let alone, your body felt fine.

"Just another day". You mutter to yourself, rubbing your eyes as your hand runs through your hair roughly.

It's been a while since visiting the graves of your parents, maybe today would be a good idea to see them. The sun tries to force its way through your window. Nala rolls over as you get dressed, grabbing your bag before heading out with Nala in your arms.

Creeping through the halls, you head to the common area, before heading into Aizawa's room to place Nala down, before closing the door behind you.

"Maybe I could buy breakfast this morning...I'm...too shattered to even cook". You mutter, heading out of the dorms into the free world. The sky was musky, but warm. The sun still trying to force you to smile as you head walk along the streets near U.A.

Though, footsteps step behind you, your heart picks up heavily.

Tape wraps it's self around your arms, before heading the familiar chuckle of Sero.

"S-Sero!?". You yell, panting heavily as your hold your head. "I- sorry Y/N, I couldn't help but hear you this morning". He hums, hand scratching nervously through his hair. "Don't worry, it's fine". You murmur, walking ahead with Sero by your side.

"Where are you going?". He asks. "Oh...I haven't...visited...their graves in a while". You hum. "Oh...need company?". Sero asks, hand patting your back. "Please...I don't think I'd want the girls knowing about this. I don't need motherly cuddling". You say giggling.

"So, how's you and Aizawa going?". He asks. You smirk, sighing. "It's going okay...though I have to ask myself, why me? You know?". You hum. "I get it, I know, sometimes I wonder if I could've been in the place he was now". Sero says, a blush upon his face. "I know, I was told". You say, grinning.

"But, I'm fine having you as my little sister". He teases. "What did Iida say?!". You say playfully pushing Sero. He grins, messing your hair up.

Soon, you reached a flower stall. Picking out flowers that your mother and father liked, heading off to the graveyard.

"So, I'm starving! What are you cooking this morning?". Sero says, grinning. "I'm not cooking, tape boy". You hum. "Wait, why not?". He asks, brows furrowed in confusion. "I...I just don't want to". You say.

The grave was in sight, as you head over, Sero holds your shoulder, as you stroke the headstone and place the flowers down.

"You know, If you want to talk I'm here alright?". Sero mutters.

A soft tear escapes your eyes, dripping onto the flowers below.

"Hey, hey...don't cry like that". Sero mumbles, kneeling down to your height. "Why me...why me Sero?". You ask, looking up to him, his face draining of colour.

"It's always me that has to do everything, or- or me that gets the attention. I put everyone in danger, because of my family! And because of me and my family? Parents dead, I've been stabbed more times than I can count! The near death counts- everything-".

Your breath hitches, shaking as Sero wraps his arms around you, pulling out his phone.

Has anyone seen Y/N? She's not in her room.

Maybe she's getting things for breakfast?

The school supplies that for the dorms...

She was feeling fine last night!

What's going on here?

Y/N's not in her dorm room

Neither is Sero!

It''s fine guys...she's, having a hard time right now.

Sero places his phone away, as he keeps you embraced. "You shouldn't worry about that. I mean, yeah, AllMight isn't as powerful as he was, and things at U.A maybe going wrong, but still, you have us right?". Sero says, stroking your hair.

Again, Sero's phone buzzes.




Sero sighs, putting his phone away one more, turning the notifications off.

"Come on, how about we head back to the dorms and pick food up on the way?". He says grinning.

"*sniff* are you sure, I-I...I'm not just some silly mistake right?". You ask, hands shaking as fast as they could. Sero shakes his head. "I thought I wouldn't make friends here, but at the entrance exam, I was pretty glad we started talking". He says grinning.

You stand up, wiping you eyes. "Thank you Sero". You hum, hugging him as he sighs. "You're not alone in this, always ask us for help". He mumbles, as the two of you leave the graveyard, heading to a near cafe for takeout breakfast.

Random orders of pancakes and waffles, crepes and big batches of toast and bacon- etc.

As soon as you headed back to the dorms, the class surrounds you.

Aizawa watches you, Nala hiding in his capture weapon. "I-I need some air". You mumble, as Kirishima takes the trays off of you, heading up to your room.

As soon as you did, you slide down the door, keeping it locked.

Knees tucked into your stomach, watching the floor, thoughts going through your mind..

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