Chapter 61

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Kirishima had helped you take your things to your room. Girls had their own separate room, with separate rooms inside. You figured it would be the same for the boys.

A sudden knock on your door startles you, limping over to open it. Aizawa stood there, worried. "you don't seem too good, kitten". Aizawa hums, stroking your face. You sigh. "I'm so sore". You whimper. "I never thought we'd have to fight so much in so little hours". You say giggling.

"you'll be able to rest soon. come to the cafeteria, everyone's eating". He says, before leaving.

A few moments later, you head into the cafeteria sitting with Bakugo and Kirishima. "This is the only time we'll be making food like this for you!". The blue woman says.

You could barely eat, your stomach was sensitive and sore. Bakugo looks at you, before sighing. "You idiot, you over used your quirk". He hums, stuffing food down his throat. You sigh. Prodding at your food, Bakugo scowls. "You gonna eat that?". He hums. You shake your head. "I can't". You say. Kirishima nudges you. "At least try!". He says. You shake your head once more.

"I can't. Not as in a sense that I don't want to, it'll hurt me more than you know, reaching my limit". You say smiling. Though sero's eyes stay peered on you. "The fuck's he looking at?". Bakugo grunts, throwing down his bowl. You shrug. "Leave him to it. Let him say whatever he has to say". You hum.

"What I have to say?". Sero says. "Yeah, what you have to say". You mimic. "You know, you're not practically all that good either Y/N. The fact that you're apart of the league of villains". Sero says.

The whole table shut up. Bakugo was angrily cursing to himself, Kirishima patting your back. "Don't listen to him". He whispers. You bite down hard on your lip and you stand up. "For your information you, traitor My uncles were and are apart of the league. They killed my mom and dad for the way they are and now they want to kill me. I don't know what the hell that woman has filled your head with but get your god damn facts right before you start!".

The whole table shook, slamming your hands down before heading back to your room. "Is she serious?". Mina asks. Sero keeps his head down. "You know, that wasn't a smart move". Tokoyami mutters. "So what? She's been through more shit than you extras!". Bakugo says, slamming his hand down.

Pixibob had told Aizawa about what happened, every detail.

You were laid on your bed, still in your uniform, crying into your pillow. Why was Amiri ruining your life like this? Why was she so hot in getting to Aizawa?.

A small knock on your door occurs, ignoring it.

Now everyone is going to think you're apart of the league, and when they next attack, your going to be blamed.

"kitten, come on". Aizawa mumbles from the other side of the door. Your head perks up, opening the door. "I hate her". You whimper, sniffling as you rub your eyes. "Pixibob explained to me what happened, and I've spoke to Sero too. sorry". He says, closing the door behind him.

The both of you were in your little room, as you fall into Aizawa. "why can't I be happy". You hum, as his hands play with your hair, soothing you gently.

"i'll be sure to deal with this. you know they're all worried about you right?". Aizawa says, kissing your head. You smile softly. "i...I know". You whimper, wiping your tears away.

Aizawa wraps his arms around you, keeping you close. He didn't want to let go.

A small knock occurs on your door.

"Y/N? It's Uraraka! The girls wanted to know if you wanted to bathe? We're worried about you". She says, before hearing her feet leave. "go on, i'll be having words with the class in the morning". Aizawa says.

You look up towards him, seeing his bloodshot eyes in the dimly lit room. Standing on your tiptoes, you kiss him, holding your hands around his jaw, stroking it softly.

"Thank you Aizawa". You hum, as he smiles. "i'll message you later, kitten". Aizawa says before leaving. Luckily you had packed a really cute swimsuit. Even though it was reminded you of Aizawa, so you had to buy it.

With quickly getting changed, your hair up in a messy bun you quickly head outside to the pool where the girls sat. A big wooden wall divided both girls and boys side. "Aww yay! You came!". Mina yells, beckoning you over. Once you sat there, the girls hugged you hard. "We didn't know they were family, but again we didn't know they were the reason your parents died". Mina says.

"And the fact you're in danger". Momo says, cuddling you. "You wear a lot of black, Kero". Tsu says, winking. "S-stop it Tsu!". You hum. "You do have a crush don't you!". Mina says, excitedly.

Uraraka giggles. "It's fine Y/N, tell them!". She says. "Alright! Okay, but you can't say a word, right? If it gets out...He could lose his job, and I could be kicked out". You mumble. "Oh my god!". Hagakure says. "No way, is it?". Momo says. Uraraka laughs.

"It's Mr. Aizawa?". Tsu hums, blushing. "SEE I KNEW IT!". Mina says. Momo sighs. "I'll have to give you the money when we're back in our rooms". She says. "You were betting on me?!". You exclaim.

Uraraka giggles. "We all did! It was obvious, though I've known for quite some time!". She says, nervously scratching her hair. "You knew?!". Momo says. Uraraka nods. "It's not just that though. That Ms. Kachko is trying to get back with him. She's manipulating him and abusing him...That's why I couldn't come last week". You say.

"So that's why she slept with Sero". Jirou hums. You and everyone else look towards her. "What do you mean?". Mina asks.

"Sero was speaking to someone in class before we left, and I'm pretty sure it was Kachko. Something about a deal, to ruin your life Y/N. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner!". She says, tears rolling down her face. "Oh Jirou!". You whine, pulling her into a hug.

"Well, how is it? Does he know?". Momo asks.

You shamefully nod.

"Aren't you like, 18 soon?". Hagakure asks. You nod once more. "Then it's not so illegal is it, Ribbit!". Tsu hums happily. "You two are cute together!". Momo says.

Though you turn your face towards the wall, hearing Mineta crawl his way up. At the top, you could see Kota. He pushes Mineta off, heading his cries.

Kota looks down at you, you especially. Before smiling.

"Thank you!". Momo yells. "Thank you!". You yell.

And with that, you, Jirou, Uraraka, hagakure, Tsu and Momo spent the rest of the evening talking and playing pool games.

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