Chapter 26

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It didn't take long for everyone to finish eating, before going to get dressed. You allowed the boys to change in the basement, and girls in your bedroom.

However you were finishing up cleaning, Aizawa giving you a helping hand.

"wasn't your father supposed to return home early hours?". Aizawa asks, drying the dishes. You sigh heavily. "Sometimes with working on the force, he isn't home in the time he says he is.." You say, hands covered in bubbles. "doesn't it worry you?". Aizawa asks. "Sometimes, with my mom not here anymore, I do wonder if my dad is hurt, or if he's you know...dead somewhere. I didn't want to be a police officer just like them...

No matter how many times I showed them my quirk, and what I could do. They would always say it's so risky being a hero. Being on the force is just the same. But it doesn't give you the lessons you need to know, or the context all about a hero...Wanting to be a hero gives me something to fight for, to help those in need and to give something to others to look up to for hope". You mumble, drying your hands.

"I don't want to be the greatest, or the biggest or best. I just want to be there to protect everyone else, if someone else fails. I want to be there to help, but not be restricted. You know?". You say, glancing up at Aizawa who closes his eyes.

"hm". He hums.

"And I'm glad I joined U.A...If I didn't, I wouldn't have met moody old you". You say giggling. Aizawa let's out a chuckle, as you grab some bubbles, putting it on his head.

He stands still, before turning to you. Capture scarf wrapping around you pulling you in to him. "do you honestly think that's mature?". He asks.

You stick your tongue out. "Clearly Shota". You say smirking.

"you'll have to be punished for that, kitten". He says grinning.

"Shouldn't you take me out on a date first?". You say giggling, your quirk activating wrapping around Aizawa's ankle dangling him in the air.

"is that what you want?". He asks, grinning. "I don't know, is the feeling mutual?". You grin, smiling. "carry on L/N and I'll permanently revoke your lunchtime". He says before you put him down.

"Ohhhh I'm so scared!". You say, pouting. Aizawa's face was a few inches from yours, feeling his hot breath against your face. It made your heart flutter heavily, staring at his eyes then his lips..

You weren't exactly great at flirting, and the first crush you could ever have - was and is Aizawa.

"Hey! Y/N!". Uraraka shouts from upstairs. Aizawa sighs. "these kids always ruining moments". You giggle, quickly pecking Aizawa's cheek before heading upstairs.

"Yeah Uraraka?!". You say smiling. "We were wondering if we could do you hair!". She says, Momo standing next to her. "Yeah! Maybe cute fluffy pigtails!!". Mina says, winking.

"It would look cute with your hero costume!". Jirou hums. Momo nods. "Yeah! Please let us do it Y/N!".

You nod. "Okay okay, you may do it!".

Half an hour later, Aizawa had left, leaving you and everyone else to walk to school. Once there, you were greeted with the rest of the class, gathering the cases with hero costumes in it. Aizawa had bundled you all together, before heading off to the train station.

With the week beginning, you stayed around at U.A, training physically with your quirk pushing past your limit, being thrown to the ground several times by Aizawa in defeat. You struggled with concentration, which is what you worked on apart from increasing your quirk itself. As Aizawa could control his capture scarf, it was helpful of him to help you concentrate on your surroundings and the enemy whilst letting your quirk do its own thing, making sure you could keep yourself safe whilst being able to defend yourself.

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