Chapter 43

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"After that had happened, it turns out they were stealing quirks from other people...The quirks mutated their them the quirks the have now...I guess I should've paid more attention to who they were, but because of the damages of taking quirks they're unrecognisable". You hum.

The teachers were stunned, almost quiet with sweats.

"Y/N, how old were you when that happened?". Ectoplasm asks. "I was 5". You hum. Aww's and kissing teeth noises could be heard. "As we know so far, your quirk is very dangerous to you, is it not?". Nezu hums. You nod. "she is improving, but it seems to be taking a toll on her body. no wonder why they're after it". Aizawa mumbles.

"Then ideally we need to keep her safe right?". Yagi hums. Nezu nods. "Aizawa, Present Mic, you don't mind seeing me after, do you?". Nezu hums. "No problem my dawg!". Present Mic says before being slapped by Midnight. "sure". Aizawa mumbles.

You sit there, trembling.

"I...I...just never thought...they'd succeed in hurting both parents..". You hum. "Saying that, the stain killer- did he ever have something against you?". Snipe asks. "I...I don't know him...". You say, watching your tears fall onto your skirt.

Midnight gets up, before hugging you. "Don't worry little love, we're here and we will protect you". She whispers. You sigh, before Midnight escorts the both of you out.

As the teachers leave, Hizashi and Aizawa stay behind.

"Have you sorted the funeral out for her father?". Nezu hums. Aizawa shakes his head. "it's a sensitive subject for her". He says. "The house was originally paid off monthly, but it seems it was bought a few months ago after her mother had died...So, my plan is to move her into the apartment block of where both you, and Hizashi live". Nezu says.

"Whaaaaaat?!". Present Mic says. "It's best off. I don't think they're going to give up going after Y/N, and she will be safe with two pro heroes in the apartment site". Nezu says. "understood Nezu, I'll get things sorted quickly". Aizawa hums.

"It may have to be after the summer training camp. Practical exams are tomorrow, do not forget!". Nezu chimes as Hizashi and Aizawa walk out.

"Hey Sho, about your ex-". "don't even start with her. she won't leave me the hell alone". Aizawa says grumbling. "Did you see the marks on pretty Y/N's face?". Hizashi mumbles. "i know, I'm going to have words with her once I get the time". Aizawa says. "Why not just speak to her Sho? Nezu wouldn't mind yo!". Hizashi says.

"you're as dumb as you look, Hizashi". Aizawa says chuckling. A small groan comes from Hizashi who pouts and playfully punches Aizawa.

As for you, you were led to the changing rooms where the girls from Class 1-A were. "Now now girls, we are training today!". Midnight hums. "Just not with me sadly". She interrupts as you head over to your costume locker.

"Hey Y/N, are you okay?". Jirou asks, a hand on your shoulder. "Y-yeah? Why?". You ask. "Oh, Bakugo seemed really upset". She says. "Yeah, no kidding...He was really worried about you". Momo hums.

"Woah, your eye!". Hagakure hums. "I-oh! It's nothing". You say. "Anyways, what are we doing?". You hum. "Oh, we're changing into our PE outfits, we're doing some quirk practice". Uraraka hums. "Oh, thank you". You say giggling.

Though, as you were undressing, Uraraka pulls you aside, around the corner away from the other girls.

"Y/N?...You have...-". Uraraka mumbles, tearing up.

As you realise how naked you were. You quickly hug Uraraka. "Please, please I'm begging you, don't tell". You hum. "'s fine..but just, please tell me what's bothering you". She says, a hand on your shoulder.

Jirou pops her head around the corner. "And we mean the truth Y/N...we're all worried sick about you". She says, eyes watering.

You quickly change into your PE kit, before sitting down.

"You all, and I mean you all have to promise me you won't tell a soul? Nobody is supposed to know about this. And I mean, it could get me into trouble and into danger". You say.

Sighing heavily with a shaky breath, you clench your clammy fists.

"As you heard, my dad apparently transferred to somewhere else...This isn't the case...I visited him in hospital, as I had a call...It turned out he had multi organ failure, and wouldn't live to see the end of the day...

Sunday I had a few missed calls from the hospital...I was told he was gonna die...When I visited he awoke from his coma, spoke to me...then passed away....". You hum, a tear slipping down your face...

"Y/N!". Momo hums, hugging you tightly. Jirou, Uraraka, Tsu, Mina and Hagakure all join in. "We're so sorry for you loss!". Mina hums, squeezing you. "Kero, p-please try to be happy! We're all here for you!". She hums, also crying. Jirou sniffles, biting her lip. "It's hard isn't it? Is that why you've been hurting yourself?". You quickly nod.

Though, the boys could hear the girls crying...

"Are they okay?". Sero hums. "Tch, its girls tape Boy". Bakugo hums. Though he knew exactly why you were crying.

"Hasn't anyone noticed how Y/N's been down lately?". Sato hums. "Yeah...I think she's dealing with a lot on her shoulders but she isn't telling us about it". Shoji says. "Well, she doesn't have to does she? Unless she's afraid". Ojiro mutters. "Nah, Y/N tells us everything!". Kirishima says, grinning.

"Shut up". Bakugo hisses. "If any of you fucking extras tell the teachers or anyone else apart from our class I will personally beat the fuck out of you". He hisses, gritting his teeth. "K-Kaachan?". Midoriya whimpers. Bakugo growls to himself.

"Her father isn't somewhere else in the world. He's dead. He died the day after he was admitted to hospital. She's been struggling since. That's why I've been around her because she feels like she has nobody else. Me and nerd know her inside and out, and it's better if we all help her". Bakugo says softly, standing up.

"Oh god". Sero hums. "Poor Y/N, she's suffered enough". Ojiro hums. "We should do something for her". Tokoyami hums. "Oh like what? A party at her house?". Sato hums. "I mean yeah!". Kirishima grins. "Nah, I don't think the teachers would allow that". Kaminari butts in.

"But I for sure will be giving her hugs!". Kaminari hums.

"what are you lot talking about?". Aizawa hums, walking in. "I- oh sir!". Kaminari says.

Aizawa's eyes land onto Bakugo. "you told them didn't you Bakugo?". Aizawa says. Bakugo stays quiet.

"once the lesson is over, you immediately come back to the classroom before you go to lunch. all of you". Aizawa says before heading out.

"Are we in trouble?". Koda signs. "No no, i think it's personal". Shoji says. "Nobody was supposed to know. Villains are after Y/N, if they knew her father was dead then she'd be a bad target to get to". Bakugo says before walking out.

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