Chapter 40

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You and Yagi had gone shopping and the small mart near your house. With delight, you welcomed Yagi into your home, as he helps put away your shopping.

"This is quite a big house, aren't you going to get something smaller?". Yagi asks. "I'm not sure...Aizawa was supposed to help me with all this stuff..but I guess he's busy". You say, nervously playing with your hair.

A small knock at your door has you and Yagi look at each other.

"Who is that?". Yagi asks. "I...I don't know?". You hum, eager to find out.

"Y/N!". Midoriya says, yelling through your letter box. "Oh it's just Midoriya". You say giggling.

Midoriya smiles, as you welcome him into your Home. "All Might?!". Midoriya says. "Yeah, I thought I'd walk Y/N home". Yagi hums. "Oh, so you did do your exam". Midoriya hums. "Yeah...". You say, nervously. "What happened anyway? You ran out crying.." Midoriya says.

Yagi coughs blood at this, putting his hand up to show he's okay. "Y-yeah...I just...have...a lot on my mind". You say, scratching at your sleeves.

"You never wear long sleeved shirts". Midoriya says, inspecting you. "W-what?! I was cold!". You say, avoiding the subject. "Also, Kaachan told me". Midoriya says, fiddling with his fingers. "I told him not to tell anyone". You say, annoyed.

"What did you tell young Bakugo?". Yagi asks. "I...he forced it out of me about my dad...the truth about him...Aizawa knows, and so does Principal Nezu". You say, sitting down on your couch.

Yagi takes a seat next to you, as does Midoriya.

"Wait, aren't you a high target to villains?". Midoriya asks. You nod. "Since they've killed both parents...and now I feel like things are crumbling down...I best explain it to principle Nezu about the relation of my family to Coma and DreamClaw. I think it's best if you also join us Ya- AllMight". You hum, biting back your tears.

"I'm so sorry Y/N". Midoriya hums, hugging you. You wrap your arms around him, sniffling. "I-it's okay...". You say. "I'll be okay..." You whisper.

"How about we do some training? You've still got to push past 5% young Midoriya". AllMight says smiling. You grin. "Can I train with you guys? I haven't used my quirk since the internships". You say smiling.

Once the day started to settle, you head out with Midoriya and Yagi to the beach to do some practice. Yagi sat in his AllMight form as you and Midoriya sparred on the beach.

"You've definitely gotten stronger Y/N!". Midoriya yells. You stumble back, Lasso rapping around his arm from refraining his punches. "Yeah! Aizawa helped me out a lot!". You yell back, tugging him towards you before stumbling around with him.

"But I have to say! You've done well too! I can't wait to see what you've learnt in the practical exam". You say smiling, as Midoriya sends you flying back. Midoriya chuckles nervously. "Y-yeah! I've improved a lot!". He says smiling.

As you shuffle up, you sit and watch the ocean glisten with the reflection of the moon in the ultramarine water. "It's beautiful isn't it?". AllMight hums. "Yeah, i think nighttime is just as good as day". You say chuckling. Midoriya smiles, hand flickering the water, causing ripples to spread throughout the ocean.

"Anyways, I think it's time we head back don't you think?". You say, smiling. "Will you be okay walking home Y/N?". AllMight asks. You nod. "I don't live far, so don't worry about me! Message me when you get home, the both of you". You say smiling.

You wave goodbye, slightly sweaty from the training session with AllMight and Midoriya.

As you walk through the park, a figure walks behind you. With panic tracing through your veins, you speed up to a jogging speed, the unknown person still following you home.

Once you had gotten to your house, Aizawa's car parks up, his face full of worry and hurt.

"Hey Aizawa". You say waving. "kitten". He says, a soft smile upon his lips. "where have you been?". "I've been training with Midoriya and AllMight". You say smiling.

"oh". Was all Aizawa could say. "Are you staying?". You ask, nervousness building up in your system. "if you want me to, kitten". He says, ruffling your hair. You smile. "Alright". You say giggling, entering your house.

However Aizawa notices the figure stood across the street. It's hand waves, phone out of its pocket before taking a photo and running off. He knew this was bad, oh he knew.

As you settle down, you shower, before collecting your thoughts and heading back downstairs. Clean bandages stay around your arms as your joggers and vest stay slick to your plump figure. Aizawa looks up at you, to your wrists, then to your face.

"why the bandages?". He asks.

'Quick! Think of a lie! A good lie!' You say to your thoughts.

You sigh heavily, hand going through your hair.

"I've noticed now that with working on my quirk, the bigger the lasso rope I can make, the heavier it is for my hands and wrists to hold up. They're extremely sore, and achy". You hum, taking a seat next to Aizawa who scans you.

"hmm...alright". He says. "What does that woman want with you anyway?". You ask, staring down at your lukewarm coffee.

"she's just being a nuisance". He says, humming before shuffling next to you. "Really?...because I've heard from other students that apparently the two of you have been getting it 'on'". You say, a sigh escaping your lips.

"do you really think I'd do that to you, Y/N?". Aizawa asks, glaring at you deeply. A tear pricks your eye, lip quivering. "I...I don't know?.." You say. "I-I mean, why would a teacher like you date someone like me anyway?". You say, head in your hands.

"you're over thinking things Y/N". Aizawa says. "Am I really? I guess so...I just have a lot of thoughts going on". You hum, leaning against him.

"Oh...I need to speak to Principal Nezu...and the chief of police tomorrow...if you can have that organised". You say.

"what's up? have those villains been giving you grief in your dreams?". Aizawa says, wrapping a hand around you.

"N-no....they're......they're my uncles". You whimper out.

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