Chapter 75

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Aizawa grits his teeth clenching his own clothing.

"I...I...could've...died?". You say, choking back your tears. Nezu nods. "We need to discuss this manner further. As I'm aware, a rumour may have gone around about Ms Kachko sleeping with a student. One of yours, I presume Shota". Nezu says. Aizawa hums. "that's correct, Nezu. Hanta Sero". He says.

"Do you know who this pupil is, Y/N?". Nezu asks. "He's a very close friend of mine". You say. "Ah, alright. I'll have to gather up some things and talk to the police department about this. As for now, Ms Kachko is teaching Class 1-B". Nezu says. "Is there anything else you would like to add?". He asks. Smiling.

You look at Aizawa who nods.

"I have..some footage... and some..evidence...of Ms Kachko..with Sero, and harassing me". You say. "Ah, wonderful. Would you be able to gather up that evidence and pop by my office tonight?". He says.

"Yes sir!". You say, smiling. "I'll let the both of you have some time, but please resume your lesson Shota". Nezu says. "thanks, Nezu". Aizawa says smiling. As the door closes, Aizawa holds your hand. "she could've killed me..." You say, replaying an image of you dying over and over in your head.

Aizawa sighs heavily, tired eyes watching you. "don't worry, she won't touch you. i'll make sure of that". He says before leaning in, kissing your lips.

Just as you part off from the kiss, Yagi and Recovery Girl walk in, chuckling to themselves. "Oh dearie, I didn't know you two were love birds". She says winking. Aizawa rolls his eyes. "i expect you to be back in lesson as quick as you can, Y/N". Aizawa says before leaving.

It took around 15 minutes for Recovery Girl patch you up, placing a new bandage on your arm.

You and Yagi slow walk down the hallways, talking.

"So, she could've killed you, Huh?". He says. You nod. "Nezu is getting the police involved, so...she's going to be going down for a long long time". You say smiling.

Though, Yagi sighs. "What's up, Yagi?". You say.

"I hope you don't think different of me for this". He says, bowing down. "But seeing you, here...I may have had some slight feelings. I'm happy for you and Shota, but maybe in another life I could've had a chance". He says.


You giggle, ruffling his hair.

"Alright, DadMight. Maybe in another life, but that doesn't mean I don't want to stop being friends, you know?". You say smiling. Yagi chuckles, ruffling your hair. "Thank you, young Y/N". He says, a slight blush upon his face.

You head back to Gym Gamma, working on your ways to make a new special move.

Jirou waves at you, as you wave back. "Better already?". Cementos asks. You nod. "Well, we best get a move on". Ectoplasm says, as his clone stands near you, guiding you up to the stone platform.

The hours went by, figuring out a way you could make a special move. Ectoplasm suggested maybe a Lasso blast, that villains won't see coming. But, if Aizawa could help you control your quirk a little more, then you may be able to use the joint Lasso arm tactic you did earlier.

"alright, enough training for today. pack up, and head back to the dorm". Aizawa says.

You were trudging along, Kirishima leaning on you. "Man, I'm so exhausted". He says, sighing. "I know right?". You say sighing. "Spiky! Whip face!". Bakugo yells, grabbing the both of you by the collars. "Hurry up will you?!". Bakugo yells, dragging the both of you along to the dorm.

Aizawa couldn't speak, the hell was that?..

You couldn't help but sigh, feeling home at the dorm. Aizawa walks with paperwork, heading into his room. "if anyone needs me, just get me". Aizawa says.

"I'm gonna take a shower, anyone fancy playing some games?". You ask. "Hell yeah!". Sero yells. "Tch. Fine". Bakugo says.

As you head up to your room, you couldn't help but hear footsteps behind you. "Kaachan?". You hum, seeing Bakugo stood there. "Talk". He says, pushing you into your room.

Nala meow's, curling up near you. "Hello Nala, bakugo's here". You hum, as she immediately gets up to pounce on Bakugo.

He strokes her, as you sit down on your bed, patting the spot next to you. Bakugo sits down, and sighs.

"Kaachan, what's wrong?...there's something up with you". You say.

"What happened back there...". He says. "Turns out Kachko tried killing me. Luckily my quirk managed to block it off". You say. Bakugo gasps, almost shocked. "T-that fucker!". He yells. Though, you could see the tears in his eyes.

"Kaachan..." You hum, wiping them away.

A sudden shock of his arms wrap around you, before he starts sobbing. "Y-you're not going to die are you?". He asks. "If you fucking do I'll blast you back to fucking life!". He yells, clenching onto you.

You sigh, stroking his hair. "Kaachan, I wouldn't dream of it". You say. "You're like a little brother to me, and so is Midoriya. I've known you two well, all my life". You say. "We may not talk now and again, and I may be busy with Aizawa, or In hospital...but I'll be fine". You say. His sobs get louder, before seeing Kirishima walk in.

"Bad time?". He says, eyebrows furrowed in worry. You shake your head. "He's just worried". You say. "Oh, about what happened earlier?". He asks. You nod. "That bitch...I'll fucking kill her, kill her!". Bakugo yells into your clothing.

Kirishima sighs, sitting next to Bakugo. "Come on Bakubro". He says, pulling him into a cuddle.

"Oh, so have you two finally got together?". You say, giggling. Kirishima blushes, as Bakugo angrily yells into Kirishima. "It's very cute. Does anyone else know?". You ask. Kirishima shakes his head. "Just you, Y/N". He says.

You smile, Nala purring her way onto Kirishima's lap.

"Well, I might as well let you know with what's happening with Kachko. I'll need Midoriya and Sero here too". You say. Kirishima nods, as Bakugo leans against you, chewing his lip.

"Don't you fucking leave me, freak". Bakugo says, sighing. "I couldn't Kaachan. I love you like a brother. So, never". You say giggling. Bakugo cracks a smile, sighing.

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