Chapter 24

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The evening settled as the sky turned dark, lights off with everyone in sleeping bags on the floor of your basement. The underfloor heating keeping you all cozy, cuddling up in between Kirishima and Sero.

"Honestly, you three are like a relationship". Jirou hums, playing with Momo's hair. "Tch, they wish". Bakugo hums, sitting up next to Uraraka. "Whaaaat? No! I need to keep these two out of trouble!". You say giggling, playing with Kirishima's hair. "I'm not exactly the trouble maker". Kirishima says, rolling his eyes.

"So are you blaming me?!". Sero says, pouting. "God no". You say giggling.

Kaminari was playing with Ojiro's tail, as Dark Shadow was lifting up your hair playfully.

"Leave her alone dark shadow". Tokoyami says, your hand raises at dark shadow, petting him. "He's so cute!". You say, petting him even more. "Aww! Tokoyami you never said he was like a pet!". Uraraka says, getting up and cuddling dark shadow. "Man! He's like a cute puppy!". Mina says, now joining in on the petting.

"Do we have any games to play?". Momo asks. "I have tons of card games, monopoly and such. But you know what would be fun? Hide and seek". You say giggling. "Tch, that's for fucking babies to play". Bakugo hisses. "You are a baby". You say giggling.

"WHAT DID YOU FUCKING SAY?!". Bakugo yells, getting up before yanking you to him. "Aww, ickle baby cranky?". You says teasing him. "I'LL RIP YOU TO FUCKING SHREDS!-".




Bakugo drops you, making you flop to the floor. The basement ever so quiet with fear. "Y-you didn't invite anyone else did you Y/N?". Midoriya says, standing up. "No...nobody else wanted to come". You say, finding it hard to swallow.

"Should we go up and look?". Kirishima says. "Maybe they'll go away, Kero". Tsu says. "I don't think so". Jirou says.



A sudden vibration to your text made you jump.

are you going to answer the door, or just leave your teacher stood outside looking like a fool?


wait, why wouldn't it be me?


"Who are you texting Y/N? Secret lover?!". Mina says, as you quickly put your phone down. "Hah, it's just my dad. He sent someone round to check on us, I'll go get it!". You say. "Wait! Let me come with you!". Jirou says getting up. "And me!". Sero says.

"Okay, let's go!". You say, hurrying up the basement stairs.

"I hope it isn't a villain.." Uraraka says hiding behind Midoriya.

He whispers gently to Uraraka. "I think it's Mr. Aizawa". He says. Uraraka falls over, completely shocked. "WHAT?!". She exclaims, waving her arms about.

"Woah, what do you have cooking up here Y/N?". Jirou says. "Oh! I made more brownies!". You say giggling.

"Wait, let me stand behind you". Jirou says as you go to answer the door.

Sero stands behind Jirou, pulling tape out of his elbows.

You unlock the door, opening it slowly.

"MR. AIZAWA?!". Jirou and Sero say in unison, causing the students beneath to rush upstairs.

"even when not in school, i'm still baby sitting". He says sighing heavily.

"Your dad knows Mr. Aizawa?!". Sero says. You shamefully hold your head down. "Y-yeah..." You mumble. "WHAT?!". Kaminari, Tsu, Tokoyami and Momo say in unison.

"Yeah.." You say shyly. "move". Aizawa says, entering your house before shutting the door and locking it. "ideally you're not supposed to have sleepovers when you're about to go learn aside with pro heroes" Aizawa says, removing his capture scarf from around his neck. "Well that's ruined the moment". Mina says sighing.

"language Mina". Aizawa hums. "W-what?! What did I say?!". She says, sighing. "now I'm here, you will still address me as Sir, understood?". He says, folding his arms. "Yes, Sir!". You and everyone else says, smiling. "Well, I guess we can go watch a movie then?". You say, sighing. "Yeah!". Kirishima says.

"I'm gonna be back in a sec". You say, walking into the kitchen. Midoriya follows you. "Hey, Y/N are you okay?". Midoriya asks, approaching you in his all might pyjamas. You sigh heavily.

"N-no...?". You say, almost freaking out. "What's wrong?". He says. "I..I..Don't know how to...explain it". You say, cheeks flustered heavily. "Woah! I smell something sweet!". Uraraka murmurs, strolling into the kitchen.

Uraraka looks at you, then smiles. "Hey Deku! I think Kirishima wanted to talk to you urgently!". She says smiling. You look towards Midoriya, then Uraraka.

'Can she tell?...'

"Oh! Okay Uraraka!". He says, heading off. "Is it Aizawa?". Uraraka whispers, leaning next to you. "Y-yeah.." You say, heavily blushing now. "Aw! It's really cute and adorable!". She says, cooing you. "Pft, you think so?". You say, moving a strand of lose hair behind your ear. "Yeah! Why don't you try talk to sir? It couldn't hurt". She says winking. "I might try!". You say smiling.

Though, as Uraraka was about to leave, you hold her back. "Wanna help me set the brownies up?". You say. "Yeah!". She says, grinning.

After finishing up with the brownies, you and Uraraka head down to the basement where everyone was throwing pillows at each other.

"Man! I have to clean this all up!". You say, feathers landing on you. "You really are like a mom!". Uraraka says, giggling.

Aizawa's eyes land on you. Widening, before looking away.

Was it because you were wearing shorts and a vest?

"I made brownies!". You yell, everyone stopping the pillow fight before coming over to you. "Brownies!". Sero yells, as Kaminari jumps on him. "Yeah man!". He yells, almost crying. "Pft, you act like you've never been fed Kaminari". You say giggling. "Literally. I gave you all the snacks I had too". Jirou says, pushing him aside.

"Just help yourselves! I don't mind". You say smiling. "I can always make some more if you want!". You say. "Thanks Y/N!". Midoriya says smiling. "Thanks bro!". Kirishima says, hugging you. "No problem!". You say smiling.

The hours pass, then all passing out from eating brownies and playing games - even though Aizawa had yelled at the lot of you to sleep.

He was laying on the couch, the rest of you laying of the floor, sleeping so so peacefully.

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