Chapter 55

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The Sunday morning was gloomy...Extremely gloomy.

Nala paws and meows at you, as you rub your eyes...

"Oh right...". You hum, looking at the black outfit that dangled on your wardrobe. Your eyes advert to the floor, sighing.

Today was the day of your father's funeral...

"Want some breakfast Nala?". You hum, getting up and feeding her.

You didn't feel like doing anything today, and honestly you couldn't be bothered to do anything. The sudden buzz of you phone makes you jolt, checking it.

It was from an unknown number..

Everyone knows you're linked the the league of villains. The whole school knows. Looks like you'll be kicked out of U.A for good!

The sour look on your face makes you grunt. "Who the....who is this?". You say out loud, looking towards Nala.

Have a great day, whore


It clicked..

"How the hell did Amiri get my phone number?". You ask. You decide to check outside, a gut feeling telling you so.

Your body stands in shock....

Complete and utter shock..

"See you Shota~". Amiri hums, stroking Aizawa's shirt downwards. A soft gruntle escapes from his mouth.

"...A...Aizawa?..." You hum...

Amiri and Aizawa look your way, before he could get to you, you slam the door in his face.

The first thing you could do was message Yagi

Why the hell did I fall for a teacher like Aizawa in the first place?

Tears were streaming down your face, Nala trying to comfort you. "Stupid! Stupid me!". You yell, crying into your hands.

"Why did I even trust him?!". You yell once more, thrashing about. The sudden turn of emotion makes you do more damage to yourself than you could imagine.

The scraped skin of your knuckles peeling off your hand, blood making it's way down your arm.


You had snapped.

"Fuck him, Bakugo was right!". You hiss

The sudden appearance of Yagi's name on your phone makes you squirm.

What's wrong Y/N? Has something happened?

I mean, Ugh! Just, UGH!

Need me to come by your place?


After some time, you had bandages up your hands, before getting dressed into your black funeral uniform. Your hair straightened with low black heel shoes, the same ones you wore to your mothers funeral.

A small knock on your apartment door occurs. You quickly answer it seeing Yagi stood there in a black oversized outfit. You couldn't help but giggle at the sight.

Yagi's eyes look down towards your hands, before looking back up at you. "I am here!". He hums, before coughing.

You smile, biting back your tears. "I'm glad you are Yagi". You hum, letting him enter.

You make tea, sitting down near Yagi as Nala jumps up into his lap.

Though your phone was pinging like crazy.

"Need to answer that?". Yagi says.

7 Missed calls from Aizawa
12 unread messages from Aizawa
2 missed calls from Hizashi
4 unread messages from Hizashi
Missed call from Nemuri
4 unread messages from Nemuri

"Nah...". You say. Yagi looks at you, almost worried. "So what happened?". He asks. "Amiri...She sent me a text...". You say, before showing Yagi. Yagi growls, a pissed off tone to him. "Then, I walked out of my apartment and saw her and Aizawa". You say. "I don't get it me?..I'm I just a big problem?". You say, now crying heavily into your hands.

Yagi gently pats your back. "Hey, don't worry about it...I'm sure Shota will explain things". He says. "But do I trust him? Should I? I m-mean...I literally have the rest of the week to finish the school holiday before going to the summer camp. How do I talk to him? I...I really do like him Yagi I do.." You sniffle. Yagi sighs, pulling you into a hug.

"I don't think Shota meant what he did. Amiri has a past of....things, and I'm sure he'll explain to you in his own time. Though that message is something to show Nezu, she's threatening you". He says.

You sigh.

Though, the hours pass...

The teachers from U.A surrounded you, as well as Bakugo and Midoriya along with their parents. However Yagi was in his All Might form, and stayed next to you.

Aizawa couldn't keep his eyes off of you...They were so sore, and bloodshot. Full of dread and despair. Bakugo notices this and nudges you and the priest says his speech. You ignore Bakugo, standing closer to Yagi.

"If you would like Y/N, you may say a few words". The priest hums. You nod.

"My dad was a stubborn man, but he always cared for others, putting them before himself. He was always the happy man, always so positive about life and if anyone needed anything, he would be there to help and give. I just hope, he's resting in peace, and watching over with my mom". You say, before breaking down into tears.

A photo of you, your father and your mother was thrown into the 6ft hole onto the coffin.

Inko said some words, as did Bakugo's parents.

Aizawa begins to speak. "i worked with D/N L/N a lot of the nightly patrols. i think I can say for us U.A teachers we have all encountered him at some point in our paths. it is sad to see it end like this. you will be missed". He says, hair covering his eyes.

Your eyes flinch at the words. 'Why say something when you don't mean it?!'

Shortly after, you asked Yagi to take you home.

To be honest, you didn't want to see anyone, let alone do anything.

You were heartbroken.

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