Chapter 33

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"Is everyone here?". Principal Nezu asks. "Well yeah, we all work on a Saturday". Midnight say grinning. "Tough luck though". Snipe says. "Worst day to work on". Ectoplasm hums.

"So what's this meeting about sho?". Present Mic asks. Yagi turns to look at Aizawa.

"as you all know, Class 1-A have a group chat that i myself and Yagi are involved in. as a few of you know Y/N's father was in the accident with stain in hosu city. with Y/N having our numbers, she called me this morning to tell me that her father has multiple organ failure, he doesn't have the rest of the day to live". Aizawa says, head down, worried for your safety..

"Poor girl". Midnight says, frowning. "So what happens with her now?". Snipe asks. "Ideally, it is now in our hands to protect Y/N L/N". Nezu says. "A student shouldn't have to lose both parents like that months apart". Yagi says. "not to mention, Midoriya has also said that the villain Coma, and DreamClaw have been stalking her in her nightmares". Aizawa hums.

"Aren't they locked up?". Cementos asks. Aizawa nods. "Last time I checked they were anyway". Yagi says. "We need to protect her at all costs!". Mic yells. "That's going to be dealt with Hizashi". Nezu says, his paws clapped together.

"Shota, I'm putting you in charge of keeping an eye out on L/N. She is in your homeroom class after all. I'll have to ask the housing estate about the house, if it's mortgaged or bought". Nezu says. "If it's bought, she will need to have an apartment nearer to a teacher". He says. "I agree with that, she's a main target to the villains now, but why after her so soon?". Snipe asks.

Nezu hums. "I'm not exactly sure what link the L/N's have to the two villains, but I do certainly know they are linked to the League of Villains". He says. "which put Y/N's safety at a red risk". Aizawa says, arms folded. "We need to keep the word about this quiet. If you could, teachers please make sure Y/N understands at the fact she cannot tell anyone apart from us about this. If those villains have the word about it, shes in real danger". Nezu hums.

Aizawa nods, as does Yagi. "I'll pop by the hospital, maybe one of us should go with Y/N". Midnight says.

Nezu nods. "If you could, Hizashi". He says. Aizawa grumbles to himself.

"With the exams coming up, where do we place her?". Cementos asks. "she's doing great for the writing part. The practical I'm not so sure". Aizawa says. "Wouldn't one of us have to team up with her to face Vlad King?". Ectoplasm asks.

Nezu nods. "That would be Midnight to do so". He says smiling. "That would be my pleasure!" Midnight says winking.

Aizawa felt that ping in his heart...the jealousy.

"Thank you for addressing this to us Shota, whatever we need to do needs doing now". Nezu says.

"Meeting adjourned". Nezu says, before the teachers do their duty.

However you were sniffling and sobbing, hyperventilating as you gather up your father's things, putting them into a box.

What were you going to do now?...

The door to your house opens, hearing two voices.

"don't push her on it Hizashi". Aizawa hums.

You perk your reddened teary face around the corner, seeing Aizawa and Present Mic there. "Aww, man need a hug?". Present Mic hushes.

Aizawa looks at you, begging you not to.

"you have to stay quite about the death, Y/N. if anyone finds out, the League of Villains will know. the chief of police is going to say he recovered and has been moved to another part of the world, as requested". Aizawa says.

You gulp hard, hands shaking.

"Man! Why won't she talk to meeee?!". Mic says, pretending to cry. "Because you're loud". You whisper, heading over to Aizawa before hugging him.

"Tch, favouriting". Mic says pouting. "she loves me, not you". Aizawa says grinning. "I could get a girl!". Mic says. "yeah yeah okay Hizashi". Aizawa says. You giggle slightly, smiling.

Before Aizawa came here, he stopped off with Hizashi at a place where he got you some flowers, and a cute little necklace and a soft cat plush. He wasn't great with romantic ideas, but he did have a great idea to cheer you up for the night.

"want to go see your father?". Aizawa asks. You nod. "We know it's painful kiddo". Mic says, bending down to you. "But teachers at U.A are here for ya!". He says grinning, winking. You roll your eyes. "Shut it Mic". You playfully say before getting dressed without the two seeing..

At the hospital, you held your fathers dying hand...

At that moment, his eyes opened making you cry...

"I love you...Take good care for me love.Me and your mother will watch over you as much as we can...Shota will love you endlessly". He says, breathing so torn he struggles.

"Take care of everything...I know you can be a hero if you try..We want you to become the best hero there is, so please promise me...Become the top and best..try for us love". He says.

"If you're worried about money, don't worry. Mine and your mothers will and life insurance cover that...Shota will help you out with that". He says.

Your eyes hurt so much from crying..

"Never...never forget me dad....p-please...I..I promise to be the best hero there is...". You beg, crying hard.

"I'll..say your". He says...

The beeping noise of his life ending made you cry louder, louder than present mic's scream. It alerted Aizawa and Hizashi, the doctors and nurses running in as Aizawa carries you away.

And from that day...

You promise...

You promise to be the best hero there is.

Aizawa x Student Reader (🚫17/18 🚫)Where stories live. Discover now