Chapter 38

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"Y/N!". Midoriya calls. "Sheesh, leave her the fuck alone nerd!". Bakugo calls. Midoriya's eyes widen, as you shyly smile before keeping your head down.

"Woah, why so protective Bakugo?". Kaminari chimes in, sneaking up behind you and Bakugo. "I have my reasons you shock fuck!". He yells, dragging you away to homeroom.

"Woah, what's up with him?". Ojiro hums. "I'm not sure, maybe he's bullying Y/N and made her his slave?". Kaminari asks. Midoriya shakes his head. "I don't think that's it". He hums. "What do you mean?". Ojiro hums. "I think there's more to what happened to her dad than we think there is". He says, before dashing off to you and Bakugo.

The classroom was quiet, as Bakugo sits next to you, in Kirishima's seat. "Are we gonna past this test?!". Bakugo yells at you. "Yeah!". You yell back, smiling. "Even though I don't want you to fucking pass, I want you to pass". He mumbles, hand holding his chin. "Thank you Kaachan..." You hum, ruffling his hair. "Tch, don't worry nerd". He says, playfully punching your arm.

Soon, the classroom started to flood with students, mainly shocked at that Bakugo was sat next to you. "Hey! Bakugo!". Kirishima hums. A slight blush appears upon Bakugo's cheeks. Your face widens into a smile...

'No way, Bakugo likes Kirishima?!'

"I'm sitting here today spiky!". Bakugo says, folding his arms. "Are you alright Bakugo?". Sero hums, taking the seat next to you. "YES I'M FUCKING FINE". He yells, startling the class.

"back to your seat, now". Aizawa growls, making Bakugo roll his eyes before leaning over to you. "If he fucking messes with you, you better tell me". He says before sitting in front of Midoriya. The whole class turn to you, making you put your head down.

"What's his problem?". Kirishima asks. You shake your head, mutely. "Are you okay Y/N?". Sero asks. You nod. "Just tired, late night. I was practicing for the exam". You say, smiling softly.

Sero grins, and pats you. "Alright, but I'm here to talk if you need to yeah?". He hums. You nod. A soft push comes from your other side. "Don't forget me too!". Kirishima hums, grinning with his fist in the air.

"pack it in, Kirishima, Y/N and Sero". Aizawa grunts angrily, his dried dead eyes staring at you..

'Has he been...crying?' You thought.

"Mr. Aizawa, are you okay?". Momo asks. Aizawa nods. "it's nothing to your concern. now, the exam will begin in a few moments". Aizawa says, before Amiri and Yagi in his AllMight form walk through the door. "AllMight and Kachko are here to observe so cheating doesn't commence". Aizawa hums, passing out the papers.

As students stare down at theirs, Aizawa's hand softly strokes yours...

Honestly it hurt seeing him kiss Kachko like that....Didn't he promise to love you? Isn't a boyfriend or crush who feels mutual with the same feelings supposed to NOT kiss another person?

Even if it was forced?

'Ah pack it in Y/N, just concentrate on the exam'. You hum to your thought, sighing.

Aizawa commences the exam to start...

After a few hours, you had only done half of the book, mind boggled in certain places and thoughts, the cuts along your arm and legs tingling with fury, itching inside making you squirm in your seat.

The dark thoughts cloud your positive mind, thoughts of both parents flashing before you, making the small translucent tears from your eyes ruin the inky wording on the paper page.

Slowly, you place your head down, sobbing so softly.

'Why does he like me? Why does anyone like me?' You thought. 'I wish I wasn't here...I wish I never came to U.A, maybe my parents would still be's all my fault...all my fault' you think again.

This time, Sero and Kirishima were shaking you, your cries disturbing the class before grabbing your things and running out.

AllMight calls your name, before you run off to the toilets.

Sitting there, you hyperventilate, trying to wipe your tears.

"Well I've failed my exam" you hiss, hiccuping from time to time, drenching your sleeves with your tears. Footsteps approach the stall.

"Y/N". Aizawa hums.

Your head whips up towards the door of the stall, tears still dripping from your adorable face.

"please kitten, you're killing me here". He sighs, hurt in his voice.

"Did....did you mean it?". You ask, squinting at the door.

"did I mean what?". Aizawa asks. "The kiss...when you kissed her". You say, voice shaking like a rattle. "no, why would I?". Aizawa says. You fold your arms, cuddling yourself. "Because it seemed like you enjoyed it". You whisper, voice cracking.

The soft sigh of Aizawa soothes you slightly.

"open up, kitten". Aizawa demands as you shakily stand up, tears still flowing as you open the stall door. There stood Aizawa, hands in his pockets as his eyes lay upon you. Without warning, he pulls you into a comforting hug.

"don't get like this, I hate it when you're like this". He says, biting back his own cries. "I don't need to worry". You say, sighing.

Aizawa's hands grab your face, watching your eyes, lip quivering with sadness. "how about I come over tonight, I have a present for you". He says. Your eyebrows perk up in confusion. "Why?". You ask. "because I like you". He hums, standing back.

"And about Bakugo". You say. "He won't tell anyone....he's just...very protective over me that's all. Do you know, he wouldn't stop bugging me about my dad? How all his things were still in his bedroom like nothing was touched?". You say.

"I had to tell him about that too, and now he's babying me when I'm older than him". You hum.

Aizawa sighs, pulling you into another hug. "i don't think he'd tell anyone anyway. but Nezu will have to have a talk with him about it". Aizawa says. "That's fine". You hum.

God you missed this...

You missed his hugs...

You missed his scent...

Never ever again, will you ignore Aizawa.

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