Chapter 5

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As it goes, everyone stands up to leave-

"sit back down!". Aizawa yells, hair up in anger as his eyes glow red. "i didn't tell you to move. now, the homework I set last week it's due in today, thanks to Midoriya for reminding me". Aizawa says.

"WHAT!? MIDORIYA!?". The class scream, as Midoriya curls up into a ball of regret. "hand it on the way out". Aizawa says, standing at the door, as the class get up one by one.

"I-I haven't done it!". You whisper to Sero. His face drops, worried for you. "You could've let me know Y/N, I would've helped you!". He says, hand to his chin. "Yeah bro! Don't be afraid to ask!". Kirishima says.

"At least it's better than Kaminari, honestly he just scribbles on it". Sero says, as Kirishima chuckles. "Hey! I try my best alright?!". Kaminari yells, making you giggle. "Tch, leave the extra alone. It's her own fault if she hasn't done it". Bakugo hisses before handing his in to Aizawa.

Instead, you gulp, shaking in your shoes as you stand up, being the last student in class to hand your homework in.

"M-Mr. A-Aizawa?...Sir?..I...haven't done it". You mumble, fiddling with your fingers.

An angry but weakened sigh escapes his lips, as he looks towards you.

"complete it tonight, give it me tomorrow". He says, trying to force a smile.

'The hell?...'

Sero waves to you outside the door.

"T-thank you, sir!". You hum, bowing to him before leaving. He watches you, giggle at Sero as you smile.

'it's the least i can do for you, Y/N' Aizawa hums to his thoughts.

"Aizawa let you off Huh? I always thought he was so moody". Sero says grinning.

"Mmm, yeah. I thought he was going to kill me for a sec, but I'm glad I can have the extra day". You smile, walking with Sero to the entrance of U.A. "Need help with it?". Sero asks. You smile. "Please! I-if it's okay with you, would you like to come to my house?". The nervousness built up inside you.

"Hey sure! Text me your address and I'll be over in an hour or so". Sero says, smiling at you. "Yeah, okay!". You say.

Of course you exchange numbers, before waving Sero off.

Though, your phone buzzes like crazy, your father's name popping up.

"Hey dad?-".

"Y/N! Thank god I got a hold of you! Your mother is in hospital, she was hit by a villain that's put her in a coma. I need you home ASAP!". He yells, before putting the phone down.

Within that moment...

You couldn't breath.

You couldn't think...

"I..." Is all you could mutter out, before collapsing to the floor in agony.

Your screams and cries alerted the closest teacher - Aizawa. His eyes wide at your shaken and upset state, before kneeling next to you.

"what's up? are you okay Y/N?". He asks, voice husky and rough.

"T-things just go from bad to worse S-sir". You hum, keeping your eyes covered with your sleeves.

Aizawa looks down towards your phone, seeing multiple messages off your father.




Ignoring Aizawa's call for you, you get up, heading off out of U.A's gates.

As an hour passes, you're on the way to the hospital with your father driving. His eyes were puffy and red, just as much as yours were.

A text from Sero makes you jolt

Hey Y/N? Still up for that homework?

Sorry Sero, family emergency, maybe another time??.

At this point. You really needed someone to hug right now. And with the mental state your father is in, you don't want it to be him.

At the hospital, the ICU was quiet. Your mother lay hooked up to a ventilator and loads of other machines.

"She was thinking about you all day. It caught her off guard". Your father mumbles. "I was being bullied by Bakugo, the Katsuki kid? The one we've known since we've been living here since I was younger?". You hum. Your father looks at you, almost pained.

"Yeah...the really angry kid? What did he do?". Your father asks. "Keeps saying that nobody likes me, and hit me". You say, holding your mother's unconscious hand.

"You're joking?! Did you tell the teacher? If not, I'll go round to the Katsuki house myself". He says. You shake your head. "We have more problems to deal with right now". You hum.

Though, the weeks, your mothers condition declined, and she passed away peacefully.

During the school hours, you would ignore your class mates, even Aizawa. The hero vs Villain thing didn't work out for you, as you asked to be excused from it due to your overwhelming sadness and depression.

Your father started working 24/7, to provide for you and to help support the both of you. It was more depressing having the feeling like you had no parents at all at this stage. And the teachers at U.A noticed, let alone Midoriya, Sero and Bakugo especially.

Your days ended with leaving the class, heading straight to your mothers grave, placing a flower before going home and watching TV. Doing whatever homework you could, before eating and sleeping.

Though, it wasn't until it was released by the press, that your mother was killed by a villain - quirk: Coma, to which sometimes relates in death days or weeks later.

During class, you had sat there, in your own world.

The bell rings for lunch.

Instead you sat there, as Aizawa laid his eyes upon you.

Aizawa x Student Reader (🚫17/18 🚫)Where stories live. Discover now