Chapter 28

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Once you had gotten home, you cleaned up, making sure your house was spotless before making a cup of coffee, watching the news.

'Victims of the Villainous killer stain are stable in hospital. The police officers are Mr. L/N, Mr. Oisha and Ms Lielcha. The chief of police have assured that all three officers are stable for now, though there's no new update for their families yet'.

You sigh heavily. What were you going to do now? Having nobody to be with you, nobody to love or look after you? Who were you going to make proud now?.

"I really don't feel like doing exams.." You hum, cuddling with yourself. "Not to mention, I don't feel safe". You say, looking at the windows of your house. Without thinking, you go to lock the doors and windows in your house, bringing your bed cover downstairs before laying on the couch.

Your phone buzzes, the class 1-A group chat throbbing.

Y/N, I hope you are doing well. I've seen the news about your father, I'm sorry

We hope you are okay...Honestly if you want any of us to come round and see you let us know!

Yeah bro! Cant have you sit in home can we?! Who are me and Sero going to bully with now! I'll meet you tomorrow with Midoriya. I just hope you're well Y/N

I bet it's hard Y/N, but we're all here for you!

You can message me anytime! We don't talk much, but as a class and as you said we're like family.

Me and dark shadow share our condolences with you, Y/N.

Hope you are feeling well Y/N. Sorry about the news.

You can always come over to my place if you would like? We can bake brownies and have tea! If you ever feel unsafe let me know!

the lot of you, it has nothing to do with you about the news. do you not think speaking about this could do more harm than good?!

Ideally Aizawa is right Class 1-A.

Sir Aizawa, but isn't that a bit harsh of us not sharing our sorrow with her? That's kinda harsh of you.

I don't think non of you know how she's feeling.

Neither do you!

You'll see me after school tomorrow Mina.

Dang it!

Thank you....All of you...I appreciate it...And it makes me extremely comforting that you care about me..Sometimes I feel like my parents couldn't care less about me and more focused on their job. But it just shows me how much they love me right?...

I know how you feel Y/N. You know my situation as much as Midoriya and Iida. They worked hard to provide to you, and I'm sure that had paid off right?!

Uraraka is correct Y/N. Maybe you would like to speak to me about it. As I gathered off Midoriya you wanted to talk to me anyway, as I am class rep I do have a duty to care for my friends

I'm going to nap, keep it down

Sleep well, friend!

Why does he always sleep so much?!

Doesn't he work night shifts? Like he patrols a lot doesn't he All Might?

All Might
Correct young Kaminari! Hence is why he sleeps through the day!

I'm gonna head off...How about sugar cookies for tomorrow?

I really love sugar cookies, but that's something Sato is going to love

Could you do me a few extra Y/N?! Please?!

Man you have to show me some of your recipes!

I'll make them special for everyone! Including you Sir All Might!

All Might
Thank you young Y/N, I do hope you are keeping well

You signed off

You sigh, throwing your phone down...A soft knock at your door startles you. "Hello?". You question, voice echoing throughout the house. "it's just me". A muffled familiar voice calls.

"Aizawa?...You could've messaged me you know?". You say giggling. It didn't take you long to unlock the door, letting the exhausted teacher in. "And I thought you were sleeping?". You say, arms folded. "i wanted to check on you". He says, before pulling you into him.

"i'm sorry...". He hums, head resting on top of yours.

"What for Aizawa?". You say, hugging him back. God you loved the scent of his coffee smelling self. "i should've told you about your father. Nezu was going to explain it to you himself, as we wanted you to concentrate on your written exams". He says, sighing.

You pull away, locking the door before sitting on the sofa in the living room, Aizawa sat next to you. "I wouldn't worry about it...please Shota". You say, fiddling with your hands. "I just hope he doesn't die the way my mom did...If...if coma...knew...He'd come after me". You weakly say, trembling.

"ideally they can't touch you. your not physically 18 yet, and since you're underage it's now U.A's understanding to take care of you". Aizawa says. "so you're protected". He says. You smile softly.

Aizawa removes his capture scarf, placing it to the side as you cuddle up to him, crying. "I..I just don't want to be alone...I- I can't handle it". You hum, hiding your reddened face from your teacher crush.

Aizawa's hand wipes the tears off of your face, looking at you. "you know I'm here right, kitten?". He says. You nod, smiling. "And I'm glad that you are Shota...I'm really happy you are". You say, nuzzling him. A soft chuckle escapes his lips as both of your phones buzz like mad.

Pulling it out it was the class 1-A group chat that had been changed to

'Annoy Mr, Aizawa as much as you can!'

"Oh my-". You say, giggling. "i swear those kids are hard to handle. It's so hard to not hit the lot of them". Aizawa says. "Well, at least I'm not the annoying one right?". You say smiling. "nah, you're the well behaved one, kitten". He says, kissing your head.

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