Chapter 36

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Lunch passes, on the way out you grab a coffee for Aizawa with his favourite snack. Before any other student you quickly head back to homeroom where two voices could be heard talking.

"Kachko we don't give first names, we aren't on that term anymore". Aizawa hums, anger laced in his voice. "Awww! Come on Shota you know you missed me!". The female hums.

"do you honestly think I stopped to think about you? get out of my sight". Aizawa grunts, making the footsteps of the female scatter.

Her face comes into view, watching you. "Aw! You didn't tell me you had cute students!". She says, watching you. Your stomach churns at the sight of her bright blue hair, her blue eye glistening at you evilly. "leave her alone Kachko". Aizawa hums, leaning against the door.

"Alright Shota!~ I'll catch up later, handsome". The woman says, giggling as she jogs off. "She's weird". You say, handing Aizawa his coffee and snack. "thanks kitten". Aizawa says, placing a quick kiss on your forehead as you re enter the classroom. "Who was that anyway?". You ask, sitting in your seat once more.

"that's Amiri Kachko, she's a pro hero and her quirk is personality mist. she's a very old friend". He says, rubbing his eyes. "Ahh". You hum, fiddling with your fingers. Soon, the classroom started to fill up with students.

Once everyone was sat down. Aizawa stood up. "we're going to do a practice test. it's short so it should be easy enough for the lot of you". Aizawa says, handing out the papers.

A sudden knock on the door makes Aizawa stop in his tracks. There stood Midnight with Amiri. "Sorry Shota". Midnight hums. Aizawa sighs, eyes landing on you before looking back to Midnight. "well, since you're here we might as well get you settled with the class". Aizawa says.

"Who is that?". Sero hums. "Not sure". You whisper back. Kirishima grins. "She's hot!".

Your eyes dart towards Kirishima before pushing him playfully. "No? No no no Kiri, no she's not". You say, rolling your eyes. He playfully pushes you back as your mess his hair up. "I got to agree with whip face". Bakugo hisses. "Whaaat?!". Midoriya whisper yells. "Kero, that's surprising". Tsu hums. "SHUT IT!". Bakugo yells.

"class, this is Amiri Kachko, she's an old student of mine, and now she's working as a teacher here". Aizawa says sighing.

"Hey! Look at you lovely kids! You're all so cute!". She says, winking at the class. At this point Mineta was practically crying to touch Amiri.

"I don't trust her". You whisper. Tokoyami looks at you. "I get the same feeling". He says, eyes watching the blue haired woman.

Hours pass, the end of the school day coming up.

"So, Kiri are you still coming with Bakugo?". You ask. Kirishima rubs his neck shyly. "Um- I have elsewhere to be, sorry bro". Kirishima says. "WHAT?! YOU'RE BAILING OUT ON ME?!". Bakugo yells, slapping Kirishima. "I've got things to do Bakubro!". Kirishima says, before heading out.

You and Bakugo look towards each other, before he drags you out. Aizawa watches you as you furrow your brows.

"Wait wait! I forgot something Kaachan". You say. "Hurry up, fuckwit". He hisses.

You quickly hurry back to the classroom, only to find Amiri kissing Aizawa...

A feeling in your chest...

Burst, and shattered...

'No, no no this can't be can it?' You hum to your thoughts.

Amiri pulls away. "What do you want twerp?! Cant you see we're busy?". She says, grinning as Aizawa's eyes stare blankly at you, eyes darkened with a hint of pink...

"S-sorry...". You hiss. The voice of Aizawa calls you, as does Amiri. "What the fuck?". Bakugo hums, watching your shaky form walk next to him. He sighs, gripping your wrists tightly.

"What's up with you, freak?". He asks. You start to sob harder. "I'll tell you once we get to my house". You hum, wiping your tears away...

Once you were at your house, you put the kettle on to make some tea, before sitting on the couch with Bakugo.

"Now, are you gonna tell me or do I have to beat you the fuck up?". He says, kissing his teeth. "You promise?...promise you won't tell anyone?". You say, sticking out your pinkie.

Bakugo rolls his eyes, out of every promise he's ever made, the only promise he kept was yours.

"Fine, fucker". He says, intertwining his pinkie with yours.

"S-so....I...I have a crush on Aizawa". You say. Bakugo just looks at you. "Really? I thought it wasn't fucking obvious". He says sighing. You almost choke on your saliva. "W-wait?! How do you know?!". You say, lip quivering. "Tch, I can read you like a book, idiot". He says.

You sigh. "We're kinda in...a somewhat....student teacher relationship?". You hum, fiddling with your hands. "And?". Bakugo says. "Back there...Present Mic told me earlier today that Aizawa's ex - Kachko was working at U.A...I saw them kissing". You say, tearing up once more.

"Fuck sake, do I always have to be the shoulder to cry on?!". Bakugo yells, as you cry harder. He sighs, before pulling you close. "Don't get so upset about it twerp". He says, patting you awkwardly. "And about your dad. Your lying is terrible". He says. "W-what do you mean Kaachan?". You ask.

His hands grip your forearm shaking you vigorously.

"A-alright alright!". You yell, sniffling. "He's dead okay?!". You yell. "H-he died....Saturday...Multi organ failure...I'm not supposed to tell anyone because otherwise the villains will come after's...personal". You say.

Bakugo's eyes widen, covering his mouth..

You had no parents...

Both died months apart...

Is that why you were constantly at home? Ignoring the group chat?...

"I...I thought about leaving U.A". You hum. "But the teachers said I should stay". You say. "Let alone my dad asked me to be the best hero". You whimper, eyes puffing up with mental abuse and sorrow.

"Jesus Y/N". Bakugo says, sighing heavily and dramatically before hugging you. "I hate you to fuck that you didn't come to me". He whispers. "I'm here for you, fucker". He hums.

Though, Bakugo couldn't help question...

'What about her and the Villains? Why is it so personal?'.

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