Chapter 11

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"All Might!". You yell, as does Midoriya and the others.

"HA HA! Do you really think you could escape from me you Villains?!". He yells, punching them.

However DreamClaw and Coma weren't bothered by this, and went for you.

Your body went flying back, coughing up blood. Unable to force any more Lasso's out of you, tired and feeling sick. "Pft, call yourself a hero? Your mother did a better job". Coma says, before biting you.

You scream, as DreamClaw digs into your body, slashing around your ribs, ripping your hero costume to shreds.

All Might's eyes widen, before slamming the Villain's to the ground, as Midoriya runs over to grab you, before panting. "YOUNG MIDORIYA!". All Might yells.

Midoriya could tell All Might was struggling. "Todoroki!". Midoriya yells. Todoroki nods, though before he could move Bakugo comes over, grabbing your unconscious body, taking it outside.

All Might had done his final famous smash into the Nomu, before Iida had arrived with back up. A bullet shot one of the villains, more pro heroes turning up.

"Get out of here!". He yells, as the rest of the students scarper outside.

Bakugo looks at you, before the bloodied mess you were in. "You fucking idiot! Why didn't you come to me?!". He yells, shaking you. Your eyes flutter, before coughing up more blood. "...s...o...r".

The world around you blacks out, unable to see, think or hear...

You were in a coma.

After the USJ attack, students were seen to by Recovery Girl. However you, Midoriya, All Might, Thirteen and Aizawa were in hospital.

The major damaged was done to you.

The weeks pass, as you still haven't come out of your coma. You could hear Midoriya talk to your unconscious vegetable state.

"The whole class is worried about you! I know Kirishima, Sero and Kaachan want to come see you...Well, the doctor won't let Kaachan in due to him being so angry and threatening". Midoriya says, smiling to himself.

A ventilator was jammed down your throat to help you breath. Fluids attached to IV drips stuck into your skin. It was a horrible sight for Midoriya to see. Your skin was covered in bandages, soaking up with dried blood.

"You may see her, Mr. Aizawa". A nurse says, opening the door to your ICU room.

Aizawa mumbles underneath the bandages on his face. "O-Oh! Mr. Aizawa..." Midoriya mumbles, turning back to you. "problem child". He hums, taking a seat next to Midoriya. "Have they said anything?". Midoriya asks, watching the air in the ventilation machine go up and down. "no, not yet. however I doubt she will pull through". Aizawa says, blinking dryly.

"How is Thirteen?". Midoriya asks, trembling. "she's lost her left arm due to Tomura's decay quirk". He says.

"Oh". Midoriya says.

The two sat in silence, watching you.

As the day passes, both leave. You yet haven't arisen from the Coma.

The sports festival was here, you however still hadn't awoken, meaning you had missed it.

It came upon in the teacher meeting at U.A.

"Well, the sports festival is here". Yagi hums, tapping at his desk. "Yes! And I hope all our students do good!". Midnight says, playing with the cuffs on her hands. "what about Y/N L/N?". Aizawa hums, shuffling around in his sleeping bag, bandages still wrapped around him.

"She still hasn't awoke from the Coma has she?". Nezu murmurs. Aizawa shakes his head. "no news yet". He hums. "She's putting up a tough fight I'll tell you that". Cementos grunts. "Those League of Villains did some damage to her. The only reason those two wouldn't go after any other student was because of L/N". Yagi says, hands on his chin.

"Oh, her mother was sadly murdered by the Coma villain was she not?". Nezu asks. Yagi nods. "let alone, she had a dream of that villain DreamClaw. turns out they're brothers". Aizawa says, shuffling out of his yellow sleeping bag.

"Brothers?". Midnight says. Aizawa nods. "I couldn't help but overhear the conversation they had before I blacked out. but yes, they are brothers". He says, yawning.

"Hm...I think we need to dig deeper into this, including with the police force. Since those two villains are now locked up, it's best to question them and ask why they were after Y/N". Nezu says. "But what about the sports festival?". Yagi asks.

"Wouldn't it be unfair for Y/N?". Ectoplasm asks. "Yes, that is true. Therefore she wouldn't be able to join an agency". Nezu says. "i hate to do this, but what if I had her as my sidekick?". Aizawa asks. "Are you willing to do that Shota?". Yagi asks. Aizawa nods. "it's easy for me to help her with her quirk. controlling her lasso's is something she struggles with". He says.

Nezu claps his hands together. "Then that's settled. Y/N shall have extra training, and be given the exams they did up to the sports festival itself". He says. "Now, keep your eyes out for villains, we don't want this festival being cancelled". Nezu says.

Yagi nods, as does everyone else. "Meeting dismissed". Nezu says, as the teachers leave.

"Shotaaaa! Ya taking Y/N on?! Man bro! I wanted to do that!". Present Mic says. "you'll just make her ears bleed with your voice". Aizawa hums. "Awh! Come on ya dig!". Mic hums. "shut it mic". Aizawa says, as Midnight walks along with them.

"What about her father? Isn't he looking after her?". She says. "i've spoke to him quite a few times. he's busy with work, so I've offered to see Y/N incase she wakes up". Aizawa says.

"Ah right". Midnight says. "Well good luck you two! May the best class win!". She says winking.

"Yeaaaaaaah!". Mic says, running after her.

A sudden touch on Aizawa's shoulder makes him turn around.

"I think you have a thing for Y/N, it's not really that hard to figure out". Yagi says grinning. "huh, that obvious? hm, or like you and that problem child Midoriya?". Aizawa says grunting.

"G-Gah! Sheesh Shota!". Yagi says. "come on, we'll be late". Aizawa says as the both of them head out towards the stadium.

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