Chapter 50

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Most students had passed. Apart from Kirishima, Sato, Sero, Mina and Kaminari.

Now it was your turn to fight Vlad king.

You were around a building, walking with Nemuri. "I'll try to use my quirk as much as I can, though we should surprise him". Nemuri hums. You nod. "Should we hide in the building?". You say. She smiles.

The both of you enter the building block, walking up stairs to the floors.

However back in the surveillance room, the teachers and students stand, watching the both of you. "I hope she passes". Jirou says, worriedly. "I hope not! Then she can be with me!". Kirishima says, grinning. "She could even beat your weak ass in a fight". Bakugo chimes. "I think she'll do very well, especially since Ms Midnight is with her". Momo says. "She has an upper hand". Todoroki says.

Aizawa couldn't help but watch your body move, giggling and talking with Nemuri. He was hoping you would pass...Oh he hopes.

Back in the building, you could hear the heavy footsteps of Vlad. With quick thinking you and Midnight hide around a corner, a few ropes snaking their way onto the ground, and a trip wire just in front of the stairs.

Vlad trips over, grunting, before activating his quirk.

Blood seeps onto the floor. His now hardened blood is thrown towards the wall you and Nemuri were hiding by, making the rubble hit the both of you as you both fly back. Quickly, you Lasso around Nemuri's waist, pulling her towards you.

"This isn't right". Nemuri says panting. "Cover your nose, this should knock him out". You quickly cover your nose and mouth, as Midnight releases her sweet lust mist. Vlad stands there, unaffected by the quirk.

Nemuri stumbles back. "Impossible!". She yells. "W-whats wrong?". You ask. "My quirk should have knocked him out, but it hasn't". She says. "That's weird". You say...

Aizawa's eyes widen, as does AllMight's and Hizashi's. The three of them were watching from the teachers lounge. "What the hell?". Hizashi says. "That's....that's not right". Yagi hums. "no...there's something wrong". Aizawa says, hand to his chin.

"I thought we weren't supposed to hurt the students?". Hizashi mumbles. "Correct, though I'm not sure why Vlad is doing this". Yagi says. "exactly, he's not supposed to hurt either of them. Nemuri's quirk isn't working either". Aizawa says. "Should we step in?". Yagi asks. "wait a little bit longer". Aizawa says.

What the hell was wrong with Vlad?.

You were dodging Vlad's punches, Midnight was currently hiding on another level of the building. Your thickened ropes manage to surpass Vlad's strength, before he snaps them in half.

It was tiring continuously producing ropes to keep Vlad occupied. Let alone, it was hurting your side and stomach badly.

"Have you seen the exit yet Midnight?!". You yell, sweating slightly. "Ah! I've found it! But it's way outside, I'll have to make my way there!". She says, hearing her footsteps come down.

Vlad grins, blood seeping around your feet, trapping you. Your lasso's were still freely roaming as his eyes watch you, before turning to Nemuri.

However, you manged to pull yourself out, with the help of your Lasso's. In an instant, you Lasso Vlad before throwing him across the room for Nemuri to make her escape.

After 15 minutes, your body was sluggishly dragging itself along. You couldn't keep up. Pain was radiating from your body.

"Tch, is this all you can do, kid?". Vlad says, a shiny pink flash to his eyes...

This wasn't Vlad...


This was someone else...

"G-GAH!". You yell, as rubble was thrown at you, Vlad's foot crushing your leg.

It wasn't long until you heard the smash through the Window. AllMight was there, along with Aizawa and Snipe. "Pack it in Vlad!". Snipe yells, shooting at him.

His teeth bare, crushing you once more.

Your screams cause the teachers to grunt in pain. Blood trickles down your head. Your eyes widen noticing the cut on Vlad's face.

With all the power you could muster up inside of your body, quirk weak as ever...You manage to make a rope, trailing its way up to Vlad, touching his blood.

His body falls down, body completely solid. "". You say, before blacking out.

"Oh my god!". Uraraka yells. "I-is she okay?!". Hagakure exclaims. "What the hell?!". Bakugo yells. "Recovery Girl, what happened?". Midoriya hums. "It seems as though there was another quirk that was latching into Vlad. If this is a teachers or students way of hurting Y/N, I'm sure there will be a thorough investigation". She says before getting up. "Now, I must attend to her injuries". Recovery girl says.

The class were weeping amongst themselves.

The sounds of kissing made your eyes flicker open in an instant. "R-recovery G-girl?". You ask. "Ah, Y/N,'re awake". She says smiling.

Aizawa's grunts caught you off guard, hearing the unzipping of his yellow sleeping bag.

"finally". Aizawa says. "She should be good to get back to class Shota". Recovery Girl says. "Though, take it easy Y/N, dear". She says before leaving.

You sit up, feeling the stiffness in your body. "What happened?". You ask. Aizawa's bloodshot dried eyes watch you. "Vlad was possessed by another quirk. we're not sure who, or why. but principal nezu has spoken to every class in the school about it". Aizawa says.

"Oh...". You hum. "Did....did I pass?". You ask.

Aizawa sighs...

"amongst the decision, we decided that you didn't pass. due to it being compromised it wasn't fair. either way, you won't be losing out on the summer camp". He says grinning. "W-what?! You lied to us?". You say, almost relieved that you were going to the camp.

"it was just to give you kids a bit of extra boost to see if you would actually put every bit of effort into it". Aizawa says. "The class is going to start distrusting you soon". You say giggling. "that's exactly what Iida said, though I don't mind". He says sitting next to you.

"how are you, kitten?". Aizawa hums, his hand on top of yours. "Stiff, and sore. But I'm good. My leg feels a thousand times better". You says smiling. "i could tell you were exceeding yourself. and i'm proud you did that". Aizawa hums, wrapping his arm around you. "Thank you, Shota". You say, placing a kiss onto his lips.

"anyway, you have the rest of the day to sit in homeroom, since the semester is now almost over, the rest of the week is free for you all. however, the ceremony for the end is this Friday, and the summer camp is in the next few weeks". He says. "Oh...Oh! I forgot to mention, I asked Nemuri to ask the faculty if they want to come to my dad's funeral. It's during the summer break". You say, holding Aizawa's hand.

"yeah, she mentioned that. i think we are all coming, you'll just need to inform us when". He says, his thumb stroking your hand. "I'm glad". You say standing up.

"Are you coming?". You say, grinning. Aizawa let's out a soft and low chuckle. "of course, kitten". He says.

Aizawa holds your hand, pulling you close. His eyes watch yours, as your lips turn into a smile. "Kiss me". You demand, smirking. "don't tell me what to do, kitten". Aizawa says, smirking back.

His lips meets yours, melting into this kiss, playing with his hair as you both pull away for air.

"and i'm glad you're not hurt. otherwise I'll find who sabotaged the practice myself". He says, frowning. "Don't worry Shota, I'm sure Nezu will find them". You say giggling.

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