Chapter 27

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The lessons were quite boring through the morning...Cementos then Midnight...Present mic...then having lunch time detention with Aizawa....

The day went by quickly...

Though Class 1-A was thriving, Kirishima and Sero couldn't help but poke you and tell you about their experiences with working with a pro hero. Though your attention turned to Bakugo who-

"Oh my god-" you blurt out, laughing. "HOLY SHIT". Kirishima says, laughing. Sero's eyes were also full of tears of joy.

Though, you sigh, body aching heavily from working out so much. Who knew Aizawa was the one to push you so far?...But your mind couldn't help but go back to the kiss...

A small tap on your shoulder makes you yip, noticing Midoriya stood there. "Midoriya!". You yell, wrapping your arms around him. "Hey Y/N! How was training with Aizawa?". He says. "It was okay...Somewhat okay...maybe okay?". You say, flustered.

"Woah! You worked with Mr. Aizawa?!". Mina yells. "Yeah...Except I stayed here at U.A...On the training grounds...My body feels like it's going to collapse from working out and training.." You say, face planting your desk. "That's got to be boring than most of us". She hums. "Couldn't be as bad just following someone around all day". Momo says sighing.

"Well, we did encounter a robbery, and I actually got to use my quirk!". You say smiling. "Kero?! I got to take down a few bad guys, they were smuggling drugs on a ship!". Tsu says happily. "Oh boo!". Mina says sighing.

"Did you learn anything good?". You ask. "Yeah! I've learnt some great self defence!". Uraraka says, stood up, punching the air with the most disturbing look on her face. "Pft-". You say. "She's been really different since working with Gunhead at his agency". Sero says stood next to you. "I'm happy for her". You say smiling.

Though the bell goes for home time, making you stand up with Midoriya. "Wanna talk about the internships?". He says. You quickly nod. "Except mines a little boring..". You say. "Oh! I have to go see All Might for a few minutes, you don't mind coming do you?". Midoriya says.

You shake your head.

Though you couldn't help but check your phone. Your father hadn't been home since the sleepover, he was ignoring your calls, and messages. Even though you had to shove it to the back of your mind to concentrate on your training and the upcoming exams, you still had that thought of worry.

"See you guys!". Mina says. "See you!". Hagakure says, walking along side Tsu. You were trailing at the back with Midoriya, before standing outside the lounge.

"Y/N". Aizawa calls, making you turn around with Midoriya. "come with me, i need to speak to you". He says, walking to classroom 1-A. "I'll meet you at the entrance Midoriya!". You say, following Aizawa.

The door shuts behind the both of you, you standing there in front of Aizawa who looks at you. "What's wrong? Have I done something?". You ask, hand playing with the ruffle of your skirt.

"no, actually I wanted to ask you something. but I clearly can't ask when there are students around". Aizawa says. "Oh, yeah...I get it". You say, a slight blush hitting your cheeks.

"are you busy this weekend?". He asks. "Hm...I'm not exactly sure...why?". You say. Aizawa sighs heavily, grunting. "i was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me, kitten". He says, eyes avoiding you in shame.

It pinged your hard in your heart.

"W-we can't be seen in public!". You say, shaking. "hmmm..then what do you oppose Y/N?". He says. "I know it might seem weird. But how about my place?". You say. "won't your father be there?". He asks. You shake your head, biting your lip hard.

"He...he hasn't been home since the sleepover..." You mumble. It was hard not breaking down in front of Aizawa. "Hey Aizawa, it's me. I need to talk to you". Yagi hums from outside the door.

Aizawa looks at you, before opening the door to your home room.

"It's about Y/N's-".

Yagi's eyes widen...You were in here with Aizawa?!

"We need to tell her". Midoriya says, before looking at you.

"what is it that you haven't told me?!". Aizawa says, pissed off.

Yagi holds his head low.

"During the attack in Hosu City...It turns out that Stain had already attacked a few police officers before the heroes got there". Yagi says, head held low.

Aizawa's breath hitches, standing back slightly before looking at you. "don't you dare". Aizawa says, before pushing Yagi outside the room, making Midoriya yell your name.

You were alone in the classroom, Confused and scared.

"problem child, go". Aizawa hums. "N-no! Y/N needs my support". Midoriya says angrily. "She needs to know Shota". Yagi says. "no she doesn't, if anything I'll tell her". Aizawa says, gripping onto his folded arms. "What the hell are we supposed to do?! Just let her believe her father is off somewhere working?! When in realisation he's in the hospital fighting for his life!". Yagi yells.

That's all you heard...

That same hurting pain when you lost your mother arose.

You quickly slid the class 1-A door open, standing there with tears in your eyes. "He....he's in hospital?...". You whimper, tears in your eyes. "-listen". Aizawa hums. "Young L/N". Yagi says, head down.

"W...when did it happen?". You hum, biting back your hurt. "It happened during Hosu City...The killer stain roamed around the city". Midoriya says. "I was with my intern when it happened". He says.

"That's all I need to know". You say, before leaving. Yagi, Aizawa and Midoriya called your name, before sighing. "This is going to effect her as a hero". Yagi says. "not just that, but the matter is she may just leave U.A all together". Aizawa says. "I'm worried for her". Midoriya hums, as the three of them look to where you had left.

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