You think I'm dangerous (part 2)

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****Author's Note*****

Here it is, Ladies and Gents, I'm sure you were all wondering where the hell Katsuki has been... well, here is his appearance, FINALLY. Yes, there is a lot of history and build up with our sleepy boy Shinso, but we need some depth, right? Anyway, I hope you're all doing wonderful! 


Bakugou's POV

Thursday, 09:15, Dynamight Hero Agency

I hated Thursday's. I fucking hated paper days. The bureaucracy of the hero world wasn't my style; never would be. I was here for the ass kicking, the villain fighting, the physicality. This paper work shit was for the birds, but I did it. As I rubbed my temples, examining the never shrinking pile of paper before me, the office door swung open, quickly followed by Shitty Hair and Dunce Face.

"Oi, Kacchan! We brought you cooofffeeeeeee," knock off Pikachu sang as he threw himself onto the small couch sitting against the far wall of my office.

Shitty hair chuckling as he placed a black coffee on the corner of my desk, resting against the side, looking down at my present stack of bullshit. "Kaminari and I were about to head out on patrol. We wanted to stop by and see if the Boss Man needed anything before we took off." Shitty hair gave me a stupid shit eating grin, making me groan in frustration as I leaned back in my chair. As I was about to answer, the phone on my desk buzzed.

"Sir, Yokumiru Mera is holding, line one. He says it is urgent."

Holding down the receiver, "Thank you, Kana, go ahead and transfer him back" Why the hell is the Commission reaching out to me?

I glare at Dunce Face and Shitty hair, threatening them to even so much as breathe too heavily. Picking up the receiver, I clear my throat in an attempt to prepare myself for the shit storm that today is about to become. Little did I know how accurate that thought was about to be.

"Mr. Yokumiru, wish I could say 'long time', but who are we kidding," I grunt into the phone, hearing the sleep deprived man on the other end let out a winded sound that might have been a laugh.

"Dynamight, good to see you're still as scrappy as ever. Let's skip the formalities and cut right to the chase. There was an incident in the States last night, an incident that involved a few sensitive members on both sides of the war. There was an attempted kidnapping of two scientists from I-Island after a symposium. Dr. Melissa Shield and Dr. Hotaru Kobayashi. Dr. Shield is currently missing, an investigation has begun, while Dr. Kobayashi is currently in transit to Japan to help aid in any information about the kidnapping, and to be under protection by the Hero Commission. We need you to come to Tokyo by 18:00 this evening. We need to discuss more of the mission at hand with you in person. What do you say?"

I sat in silence, listening to the man talk rather lazily of the issues at hand. I had met Melissa Shield years ago, while in my first year at UA then once in a while when Deku had asked me to travel with him. She had become rather good friends with Deku over the years, her being the only other person besides myself that he had told about One For All, but to hear that she was missing after an attempted kidnapping was shocking.

This other name...Kobayashi... I had heard of her, not many were good things, but I didn't let that sway my opinion, after all no one ever had anything good to say about me over the years, and even still to this day, there is always something negative to pop up in the tabloids. She was blunt and cynical with the press, often retorting back sarcastically when asked blatantly stupid questions. She was painted as one step away from being a mad scientist, yet her work was legendary. She was making waves as a quirk geneticist, and she really seemed to know what she was doing. I wasn't a stupid man by any means, but this woman was damn brilliant in comparison. I would never admit that aloud though.

"Sounds like I'm going to be taking a two hour car ride this evening, Sir," I sighed into the phone, resting my forehead in my hand.

"Wonderful. We will see you soon, Dynamight. Take care."

The line went dead. Groaning, I slammed the receiver down, looking at Shitty Hair. "Listen, something came up, I need to go to Tokyo today for the Commission. I need you to go over this bullshit and have it finished by tomorrow. Got it?" I hissed out, standing from my desk.

"No problem, Bakubro! We will get you squared away! You go get ready for your trip." Kirishima beamed at me. I clapped him on the shoulder and left. 

What a shit fucking day already

Chaos: Bakugou Katsuki x OC x Dabi storyWhere stories live. Discover now