Eyes on Fire

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Bakugou's POV

The ride was silent, the group of Pro Heroes who were cramped in the back of the many box vans sat quietly as they reflected upon what they were about to do. We had just entered the outskirts of Kyoto, and it would be here within the hour that our caravan would arrive outside the suspected compound of Kenji Satsui. I was practically wringing my hands in anxiety, already wearing my gauntlets to collect the massive amount of nervous sweat I had been producing during our entire ride. I felt a large, warm hand cup my shoulder. Snapping my head up, I met Kiri's soft gaze. 

"It's going to be alright, Bro. We are going to find her, and we are going to bring her home. I bet she's missing you even more." His words were trying to be reassuring, but I couldn't shake the pit that was growing in my stomach the closer we got. I had a bad feeling about this the moment we left Tokyo. Something didn't feel right. I was trying to remain confident, optimistic, however I wasn't feeling quite like myself. This mission, this ordeal, this entire scenario was something completely different. I had never had something so important on the line before. What if I failed, what if I couldn't save you? For the first time in my life, I doubted my abilities, doubted myself. You being gone this last month and a half had really taken a toll on me both mentally and physically. I hadn't been this wounded mentally since the incident in Kamino forced All Might to retire. 

I closed my eyes, focusing on my breathing while trying to play out the multiple scenarios that could take place tonight. I needed to get my shit together. It didn't matter what or how I was feeling, I couldn't fail. I wouldn't. You were coming back tonight, you were coming home whether it meant I had to kill a mother fucker to do so or not. 

The van came to a stop, we all stood, the doors flinging open as everyone jumped out, gathering for a final huddle before making our move.  Deku went over the plan as a refresher before our respected groups split and moved to their positions. 

"Alright. On my signal, extras!" I flexed my fists, adjusting my gauntlets before aiming toward the large pane window that was showcasing the party inside the lavish home. I dragged my finger up to hook around the pin, taking a deep, steady breath to brace myself.

"Three, two, GO!" I pulled the pin, focusing the blast to the glass. Kirishima, Tape Arms, and Deku flanking me as I launched myself through the massive hole I had just created. Around the other side of the house, Icy-Hot, Dunce Face, Pinky and Yamomo bottle necked the guest, cutting off the closest escape route. The back entrance was forced in by Ida, Round Face, Eyebags, and Kermit. Groups of our sidekicks aiding and assisting the others by storming the compound in a second wave.

"Dynamight! We have movement on the third floor!" Eri's voice rang through my ear piece as her and Kota managed surveillance, standing off as a third wave of support if needed.

"Copy, Small Fry." I gruffed out, directing a blast at a large, grizzly looking man who lunged toward me. The sounds of screams and cries from the confused partiers boomed in my ears as they scurried around in a panic. I saw Icy-Hot approach me, pointing in the direction of a large, oak door.

"There is a staircase in the other room. We need to start looking upstairs, Touya and Hotaru might be up there." I nodded, sprinting toward the door, sending an explosion through it rather than taking the time to open it. I began sprinting up the stairs, Icy-Hot on my heels as I bellowed for you.

"TARU! FIREFLY! Baby, I'm coming for you!"

A wall of blue fire stopped me in my tracks just as my feet hit the landing.

"I don't think so, Hero." Dabi's voice was venomous, his figure barely visible through his blockade of flames. "Why are you even here? Why are you even trying? SHE MADE HER CHOICE! SHE CHOSE ME!"

Chaos: Bakugou Katsuki x OC x Dabi storyWhere stories live. Discover now