I'm no Prince Charming, Kitten.

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5 years ago

I-Island, I-Expo, Hotaru's POV

I sip on my cold brew, scrolling through the mounting pile of emails for Melissa, trying to get a few last minute things scratched off the to-do list before the first day of the expo. The warm, tropical breezes blow my hair as the warm sun kisses the exposed skin of my shoulders. My fingers type in a rhythmic motion across my keyboard as I hear the scrape of cast iron against cement. Without looking up from the response I was currently typing, I let out an exasperated sigh.

"Look, I don't have the time nor the energy, so how about you just get to the point, no small talk. I'm a busy woman." I drawl out, still refusing to look up from the screen of my laptop. A deep, gravelly chuckle fills my ears as a large, pale hand slowly pushes down my screen, forcing me to look up, meeting the stunning purple gaze of an indigo haired man, dark circles beneath the shining orbs.

"Well, now that I actually have your attention. Greetings. It looked like you needed topped off, so I brought you a refill." The mystery guy gently swirls around the black cold brew between us.

Leaning back, crossing my arms, I examine the man before me. He was dressed in what appeared to be a hero costume, a scarf draped around his neck despite the above average temperatures, and a black mask-like appliance hung from his ears, looking like it was made to fit specifically around his mouth. I hum at him, clicking my tongue before rolling my eyes.

"So, I'm not sure what look you are going for, but I would tread carefully. The creator of Troll Dolls might come out of the woodwork and sue you for copyright infringement." another hearty chuckle escapes his mouth before throwing me a crooked smirk.

"Alright, alright. I can take a hint, I know when I am not wanted. I'll leave this here though, because seriously, you look like you need it. I mean, I'm an insomniac, and I even know when to take a break." He flashes you a devilish smirk as he begins to stand.

"And why would I drink that? For all I know, you could have drugged it." I question the violet eyed man, glaring at him as I try to read his emotions. Intrigue, curiosity, amusement.

"I mean, I applaud you for being so wary of strangers, Kitten, but it wouldn't be very heroic of me to drug girls in broad daylight at a cafe. You catch my drift?" Giving you a flirty wink, he sits back down across from you, getting comfortable as he leans back, propping a foot up on his knee.

I feel my nose twitch at his impromptu nickname. Kitten? Did he really just fucking call me that? "You have a lot of balls; first you assume you know what I drink, you invite yourself to sit with me, then you give me a shitty pet name. Does this sort of thing usually work well for you, or is the reason you chose cold brew because you got tired of being scalded by hot coffee when it ended up in your face?" I snark, sending the man in front of me into a fit of laughter.

"You're fun, I like you." He composes himself, setting his foot back on the ground to lean forward, supporting his elbows onto the table, head in his hands, smirking at me while trying to close the distance between us.

"That's too bad, because I can't fucking stand you." Snorting, I begin packing up my things to leave the cafe.

"Hey, hey, hear me out. Just for like two minutes, then you can tell me to fuck off."

I pause, giving him a sideways glance. "Fine. Two minutes. Better make it good." Why was I humoring him? Well, he is kinda cute.

A genuine smile spreads across his face as he sits up, smacking his hands off the table. "Alright! So, how about a wager? If I can't convince you to give me your number in the next two minutes, then you won't ever have to look in my general direction ever again. If I can convince you, then I get your number and you let me take you on a date tonight. What do ya say, Kitten?"

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