I'm Katsuki Fucking Bakugou

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"I could ask you the same question; who let the rabid Pomeranian in here?" Shinso sneered from behind me, as I turned and locked eyes with the man before me. He was massive. Statuesque. Ash blonde locks spiking up in all directions with the exception of a faded undercut. Black gauges sat in his ears along with the stray cartilage piercing, a labret, and when he clicked his tongue I saw a dancing of silver in his mouth. Japanese Traditional tattoos littered his muscular arms, which crossed over his massive chest. This man was a fucking mountain. His crimson eyes piercing into me, looking to drag my soul out of my body and fucking destroy it. He was fucking captivating.

"You're the last one to call anyone a fucking dog, you brainwashing Cuck," Venom laced his words, his voice had the effect that he spent every waking moment of his life screaming, straining his vocal cords to the point of a permanent, deep rasp.

Why was I staring?

"Kacchan, please. Shinso was responsible for bringing Miss Kobayashi to Japan. H-he was in the States when everything happen-" I snapped my head over to the green-haired, freckled man who stood opposite of the aggressive ash blonde, beside him was an equally tall man, with split red and white hair, a puckered scar encasing his left eye. The heterochromatic man seemed stoic and silent, something that couldn't be said about either of his counterparts.

"Doctor Kobayashi, you'd be wise to remember that," I spat at the green-haired man. He gulped, waving his hands frantically in apology.

"Yes! Of course, please forgive me. Why don't you come in, have a seat, and we can discuss the game plan with you. I'm Deku, one of the pro heroes here to assist with your case." Deku offered his hand to me with a deep bow. I sneered at his hand, brushing past it to approach a chair the Ash blonde giant Deku had called 'Kacchan' was looming over.

"And what's your name, smiles" I snarked at the blonde, watching his face contort to an even more annoyed expression. He unfolded his arms, leaning down to match me at eye level, getting close enough that I could feel the heat radiating off of him. His lips curled up into a growl, showing off his overly sharp canines. If I were anyone else, I might have been slightly intimidated. Hell, maybe even any other day, but not today. I wasn't having any of his shit.

"Listen here, you little shit," He spat at me, his pointer finger prodding my collar bone roughly enough to teeter me slightly backwards, "My name is Katsuki fucking Bakugou and you better put some goddamn respect behind it." His vermillion eyes lashing at my soul, the emotions coming off of him were almost intoxicating, I wanted to touch him. This man was chaos personified but in an oddly lawful way. I was enthralled. I had to push his buttons.

"Whatever you say, Wonderboy." I shrug, bumping my shoulder into him as I make my way to the chair, flopping down with exhaustion. The feeling of static slowly fading from my clavicle and shoulder where we had made contact. My skin was buzzing like it would in a 'fight or flight' situation, but no adrenaline was pumping through me. I hear Shinso chuckling behind me as he makes his way past the aggravated blonde behind me.

"You can fucking leave." Bakugou grabbed one of Shinso's shoulders, forcing him backwards toward the door. "As far as you're concerned, your part in this circus is over. It's my department now." With those words, I spun around, making eye contact with Shinso, my eyes growing wide.

"Toshi, what is he talking about?"

Bakugou veered his head in my direction, a new scowl of disgust stamped on his face like me calling Shinso by his nickname caused him physical sickness. Shinso noticed, too. A thoughtful look cascading down his face as he studied Bakugou before his lips tugged up into a smirk. His eyes never leaving the ash blonde's face; he had a theory and was about to put it to the test.

"Nevermind that, Kitten," Shinso cooed at me seductively, causing my breath to hitch, he finally moved his eyes to mine, locking on me, trying to send his next words home, "Regardless, I'll be here for you during this entire ordeal. Assigned to you or not, I won't abandon you. I'll make sure to keep you safe." His deep purple orbs captured me, causing me to almost forget where we even were. It was almost like the last six months hadn't even happened and we were back together again, that last lust filled night before I woke up to an empty bed, yet again. Like I said... almost. Bitch was petty.

"KITTEN?!" You would have thought Bakugou was going to vomit with the way he gagged on the name.

"Shinso, thank you for your intervention with the previous events, but I sadly must agree. We need to begin discussing the plan of action, and your services are no longer required. You are free to contact Dr. Kobayashi here in a few days but we will need to get a gauge on the league's whereabouts first," a beige haired man with pitch black eyes intervened before things could get more stressful. Shinso sighed heavily, looking back at you then approached you swiftly, collecting you in a tight hug, nuzzling into your hair, and inhaling deeply. You felt a small smile dance across your lips, it was cute when he did weird shit like that, it made it feel like he cared.

"I'll see you soon, Kitten. Don't let this asshole bully you, okay?" he husked into my ear. I gave him a light hum of acknowledgment, before he stepped back from the hug as I was nodding him off. Shinso tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, smiling lightly, before turning to walk out, pausing slightly to mutter something to Deku, then clapping his shoulder lightly, finally seeing himself out. As the door closed, the room lingered with an awkward silence for several moments.

"So," I crossed my legs lazily, resting my chin on my knuckles as I examined each of the men before me once more. "Who do I have to blow to get a drink around here?" My lidded eyes stopped on Bakugou as I winked. 

Chaos: Bakugou Katsuki x OC x Dabi storyWhere stories live. Discover now