You're safe now

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Hey guys! I hope everyone is doing amazing! I wanted to start off by saying thank you to everyone who has voted and read Chaos so far! #8 in Dynamight has me beyond giddy. Also, shameless plug; I was struggling while writing the next phase of Chaos and got really overwhelmed with the sadness and drama, so I sorta jumped the gun and posted a new story. Approaching Normal is a post Chaos timeline with Katsuki and Taru. If I would have been patient and posted it when I finished updating Chaos, it would have easily been a sequel. I needed to bring in some happiness because Chaos is getting ready to take a dark fucking turn.

So, anyway, if you guys want, hop over and tell me what you think of Approaching Normal!

Make good choices, stay hydrated.

Love you, Tilly~~


Shinso POV

I was still beating myself up over everything as I was walking into the police station, nodding in acknowledgment to Todoroki while falling in step behind him. You really were gone. That was that. In some weird ass fairytale spin of events, you had found your Prince Charming. I told you it wasn't me, Kitten. Todoroki's voice snapped me out of my thoughts quickly.

"It seems Toga actually did hold something of value. After a little persuading from Midoryia, she easily told us a good amount of viable information. Apparently Kamino Ward isn't something we should discredit so soon. According to Toga, they are transporting Melissa there in hopes of rounding up a few conspiracy nuts who believe in the Quirk Singularity concept."

"What?" I stopped in my tracks, a feeling of worry flooded through my body. No, no, no. I misheard. This can't be.

"Quirk Singularity concept. It's the belief that-"

"I know what it is! I'm pretty fucking familiar. Who said that's what they are focusing on?" I cut Todoroki off as I began to panic. Quirk Singularity concept was rooted in everything you worked on. Between that and constantly ranting on and on about how stockpiling quirks were the only ones that held the ability to remain stable during our next shift in the evolution of Quirks I had much of the information pounded into my brain over the years. You were obsessive about it, it's what led to you being labeled a "Mad Scientist" by the press since the theory was originally founded by the Doctor who had been All For One's left hand man.

"Shinso, are you alright? You look paler than normal." Todoroki cocked his head slightly as he examined my change in demeanor.

"Todoroki, this changes everything." My stare bore into his as Midoriya stepped out of an office behind us, bouncing to us with a look of determination. "Do you know anything about Taru's research? Everything she's worked on?" The stoic man shook his head, glancing at Midoriya who simply shrugged, brows furrowing as he looked back and forth from me to Todoroki.

"Taru has been a proponent of the Quirk Singularity concept since she was in grad school. This has to be why they targeted her. Her research, her studies, her knowledge. They are planning something. If they can use her or somehow benefit from what she knows..." I trailed off. I couldn't even fathom it. You had never been one to idolize Heroics. You felt it was flashy and shallow, holding much higher respect for the vigilantes and freelancers, you hadn't exactly been shy about your opinions in the past. At least, that was the Taru I had met and known, but for you to have held any spotlight in Bakugou's eyes, at one point you had to have been a fan girl. Deep down, you had some respect for the Hero world, and now knowing a small part of how horrid your childhood had been, I couldn't even imagine you sympathizing with Villains. But could they? Were they hoping that the trauma would be enough to sway you? Would it?

Chaos: Bakugou Katsuki x OC x Dabi storyWhere stories live. Discover now