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"Katsu?" I hummed, nervously, looking at the blonde haired boy laying beside me on the soft bed.

"What you want, Firefly?" He scoffed, eyebrows furrowed together as he concentrated on the page he was coloring furiously in front of him. The picture of All Might in his silver age costume surrounded by 'PLUS ULTRA' was nearly complete, not a single crayon stroke outside of the bold outline. I hum with a sigh while watching his face scrunch in concentration, chewing harshly on his bottom lip as he continued coloring his idol to the exact color palette completely from memory.

"Do you think we'll get married someday?" I sighed, kicking my feet, looking down to inspect my picture of Sir Nighteye. His bespectacled face seemed to harbour a seriousness even in a child's coloring book.

"That's a stupid question." I look up at how gruff his voice sounded, scared that the boy beside me was about to reject me as I swallow thickly, meeting his intense red orbs. " Of course. You're mine." He glared at me long enough to flick me in the nose before returning his attention to his nearly finished coloring page. "Don't go running around thinking stupid stuff like that, Firefly. We are gonna get married as soon as we are adults. I'm gonna be the number one hero, you're gonna be my sidekick, and we are gonna have like 3 kids." Katsuki rattled off his expectations of our life together nonchalantly, almost like he was trying to make me feel stupid for even asking.

Giggling, I rubbed my nose, giddy at how quickly he had answered. He had our entire lives planned out. I couldn't believe it. Katsuki was gonna marry me.

"I can't wait, Katsuki." 


Hotaru's POV

Hosu, Japan 07:00am Friday

I gasped, sitting straight up in bed, sweat beading and rolling off every part of my body. I looked around, shades of gray and black were surprisingly warm as the sun beamed in from the wall of windows to my right. I clenched my eyes shut, holding my head in my hands, trying desperately to hang on to the images from my dream, only for them to slip through my fingers. I sighed, looking at the bedside table on the left. I grabbed my glasses, adjusting them on my face, reaching for my phone to silence my alarm I had forgotten was scheduled.

I should be back home by now. Waking up to start my day, meeting with a few investors, a few conference calls... but I'm here.

I look to the other side of the bed, almost forgetting that Bakugou had been sleeping next to me, only to find that side empty. I sigh in relief, throwing the blankets off myself before padding to the bathroom. Flipping on the vanity lights I examine myself in the mirror. I had some remnants of dark circles under my slightly bloodshot eyes pronounced by my pale complexion. My hair was a wild mixture of flat and frizzy from sleeping on it damp. Clearing my throat I brush my teeth, splash my face, and try my best to tame my hair before giving up and clipping it up half assed. Grabbing my pill bottle, I make my way through the bedroom, down the hall and stairs, to the kitchen where I find the ash blonde male, now wearing a black tank top, sipping coffee while scrolling through his phone.

"It's about time you wake up," he grunts at me, not looking up from his phone as I walk past to grab a glass of water.

"Well, considering we didn't get to sleep until 2am, I wasn't exactly anticipating waking up this early. So, forgive me, Wonderboy." I huff out, opening my pills, shaking out a few of the little chalky white tablets, tossing them in my mouth, and rinsing them down with water.

Chaos: Bakugou Katsuki x OC x Dabi storyWhere stories live. Discover now