AU One Shot: We Could Be Heroes

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What if Taru never had to leave? What if she got to stay and grow up with Katsuki? Go to UA? 

What if they were able to become the Pro Hero Duo they always dreamed of?

Just a bullshit one shot that's lived in my head rent free for far too long.

Pro Heroes Dynamight and Enchantress are up and coming on the Pro circuit making names for themselves across Japan, but can this 'Punch First, Ask Questions Later' Duo navigate their most difficult adversary yet:
Their own stupid emotions?


Five Years Ago


The class erupted into chaos as the students of class 1A prattled and cheered over the excitement of the activity set for the day. Aizawa Sensei stood with his usual brooding expression, rolling his eyes dramatically at Midnight's entrance. Our teachers explained the importance of deciding on our names and the permanency they signified but I could barely contain my own giddy fidgets as I practically bounced out of my chair when the white board was placed on my desk.

"Oi." The familiar gruff voice husked out just as a quick jab to my ribs made me squeal in surprise. I turned in my chair, throwing a hostile glare at the cocky smirk that etched over Katsuki's handsome face. The older we got, the more he lost that boyish charm; his chubby cheeks and shining eyes. His jawline was chiseled, the pronounced shape of his brow and the sharp contours of his face framed by his messy ashen spikes.

"Stop poking me, Kacchan. I mean it." I hissed, smacking his pencil away from me as he chuckled darkly.

"What nerdy ass name are you putting down, Firefly?" He goaded, crossing his arms lazily over his broad chest.

"It's not nerdy, ass." I rolled my eyes, glancing down at his own white board. Snickering, I cocked my head to the side, mirroring his own smirk. "Definitely not as lame as 'King Explosion Murder.'' I teased, sticking my tongue out before spinning around in my seat and hopping to my feet.

"May I go next, Ma'am?" I cheered, earning a beaming smile from Midnight.

"Of course, Kobayashi!" Kirishima, Sero, and Kaminari wolf whistled as I practically skipped to the front of the class.

"You got this, Taru-Chan!"

"I can't wait to see what Taru comes up with!"

I cleared my throat, catching everyone's attention as I smiled brightly at my classmates.

"The Alluring Hero: Enchantress!" I exclaimed, slamming the white board on the podium with far too much enthusiasm as Midnight gasped, her hands clapping wildly.

"That is magnificent, Kobayashi! Classy and powerful, playing into your quirk. Good job!" I bowed as Mina yipped in celebration, giving me a highfive in passing. I flounced over to my seat, sneering down at Katsuki as he quirked a brow up at me.

"Your turn, Kacchan." I purred, giggling when he huffed in annoyance and pushed past me.

"You're lucky. If your name was any lamer I wouldn't let you be my sidekick." He spat, but his eyes didn't hold the malice his voice did, softening when I beamed at him. His comment might have been rude to most anyone else, but to me I heard the compliment in his tone, read it in his words. He liked my Hero name.

He actually liked it.

Present Time

Hotaru's POV

Chaos: Bakugou Katsuki x OC x Dabi storyWhere stories live. Discover now