I Believe

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Bakugou's POV

6 Days Earlier

"So, run this buy us one more time, Bakubro. You met Himiko Toga in an alley. She told you that Taru wanted to give you this letter. You accepted the letter, let Toga go, and now you think that we will get all our answers if we focus on this... Kenji Satsui." Shitty Hair ran his hands down his face, sighing heavily as Dunce Face and Tape Arms looked between us anxiously.

"I know what it sounds like-"

"Oh? You know what it sounds like? Really, Katsuki, because I don't think you actually do know!" He leaned back in his chairs, staring up at the ceiling of my office. "Katsuki, I get it, man. Truly, I do. But this? Dude, this is a whole different level of insanity. You realize if you tell any of the others this, they will have you locked up and evaluated." I wiped my hands on the legs of my jeans, sweating nervously as I hung my head.

"I just... I just need you guys to believe me when I say that she's doing this to help us. I need you guys to trust me. I came to you first because I trusted you three to hear me out. I did some digging on her uncle and some weird shit came up. Apparently he went by a completely different name thirty years ago, Saigai, and was a huge pain in the ass for the Heroes in Nigata. He was involved with human trafficking, smuggling drugs, and black market weapons sales. That makes sense considering how Taru's mom was caught up in drugs really bad, then relocated to Nigata. After her Dad killed her mom, he ended up in Nigata prison and Saigai disappeared leaving a cold trail. Even though no one heard or saw that name for over a decade, apparently he had a pretty large hand in the movement of the Triggers that started popping up during our first year with the Yakuza." I pulled out several files from my bag, tossing them onto the desk in front Kiri. Furrowing his brow, he leafed through the top document, confusion etched on his face.

"This doesn't make any sense, Kat. I worked on this case with FatGum and Suneater. I was on the team that broke into the Shie Hassaikai compound. There was no outside involvement with the Trigger trade besides the League."

"Exactly. Eijiro, listen to me. Her uncle controls Giran the broker. She told me, she gave me his real name, said that while they were living on I-Island that Giran ran most of his operations here in Japan, he only worked behind the scenes long distance. Then, when Shigaraki started to get too big he was the one who sent Dabi in as a countermeasure. HE was the one responsible for the growth of the League."

"Kat, that doesn't make any sense! What about All for One? He was the one who pushed Shigaraki, he was the one who had Tartarus broken into, the one responsible for you almost dying, for Deku... for Deku almost losing his way. Is he somehow connected to that?"

I pursed my lips in a frown, looking at Kiri. He was right, for the longest time we didn't know there were any other connections, we, even All Might, had been under the assumption that All for One was the only one responsible for everything. After all, he was the one who was able to match All Might, why would he need any outside help? That raised the question of who your uncle was to All for One.

"I don't know, but I believe there is a connection. It's in my gut and if we ignore this then we aren't worth a shit as heroes."

"I-I think Kacchan is right, Kiri." I swiveled my head to see Denki standing from his seat, first clenched at his sides. "If anyone is to blame for what happened, it's me. I wasn't strong enough to keep Slice back and keep Taru safe, but I also know Taru would never have played us. She has a good heart, and she's been through so much. We need to trust her, and trust Bakugou. Whether we tell the others or not, I'm going to do whatever it takes to support you, Bro." Punching his fist into his palm, electricity crackled around his hands as he nodded at me, determination in his golden eyes.

Chaos: Bakugou Katsuki x OC x Dabi storyWhere stories live. Discover now