Fear and Uncertainty

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Hotaru's POV

I stifled the last of the sobs that were bubbling up in my chest as I desperately tried to pry my mind away from the assault of emotions that were relentless. I sucked in a shaky breath, closing my eyes in a sad attempt to ground myself. I needed to make sense of what was real and just a memory. There had been so much to unpack; guilt, resentment, pain, suffering, loss, and heartbreak. I couldn't find it in myself to feel pity, however, considering nearly every single thing in one way or another was entirely his own fault. The guilt was the strongest, worst fucking emotion to plague Enji Todoroki. The guilt of association, the guilt of responsibility, the guilt of neglect. The man was a walking pity party for himself and I could see why no one else was invited, it would take away the feeling of purity it gave him to atone for his actions. I exhaled slowly as I clenched my eyes shut and tried to focus on anything except the heavy weight in my chest.

Touya's cackle startled me from my pathetic attempt of meditation, snapping my eyes to his figure as he literally danced in front of his father's crumpled form laying on the ground. His face was contorted into this look of unhinged glee, his demented cackle echoing off the metal walls around us.

"What do ya say, Pop? How about it? You and Me? One last hoorah? We both go all out, hold nothing back. You'll finally see it, finally understand the power you threw away all those years ago and I'm going to love every second of it." Touya hissed through clenched teeth as he ripped the hoodie over his head leaving him standing there in just a plain white tee and his jeans. He carefully slipped each ring off his long, spindle-like fingers before tossing each one right in his restrained father's face causing Enji to flinch with each small impact. The malicious glint in his eye had anxiety pumping adrenaline through my body at an alarming rate. He wasn't Touya right now, he was my worst nightmare... he was Dabi, but somehow a more dangerously dark version of his alter ego.

"Dollface, do me a favor and take the cuffs of the Old Man." His sneer was absolutely feral, his teeth still gleaming in the limited light of the warehouse. If I hadn't known any better you could have easily convinced me that man's mouth was venomous. My eyes widened in disbelief as I looked up at him as if he were a lunatic.

"Touya... are you out of your fucking mind?" His turquoise orbs finally flickered over to me for the first time since he entered the warehouse, his focus was entirely consumed with thoughts of ending his father's life; he didn't have the attention span to allow him multiple conversations on a regular day, I was delusional to think he could have a better handle on himself.

"Dollface, I appreciate the concern but it's not necessary. Now, be a good girl and take off his cuffs." His tone was curt, he had zero patience for me currently, and it was noticeable.

"Touya, seriously this is a terrible idea. Nothing good will come from this. You don't have to make it 'even' you can just-"

"Pretty Girl." His deep voice carried a sensual purr, pausing my ramblings just enough to let him have a word in.

"I need you to do me a favor and shut the fuck up." The venom dripped from his voice, like acid on his own vocal cords as he cocked his head at me, his cerulean pools wide with a deranged look of excitement.

"Now, do what you're fucking told. I won't repeat myself again. Do. You. Understand." It wasn't a question, it was a statement. I didn't have a choice in the matter. I quickly nodded my head and pulled myself to my feet, knees wobbly still from the kickback. I stumbled to Enji's side, plopping down on my knees a little too hard, making me wince. I looked back up at Touya, trying to send him a pleading look to reconsider. His stare was cold, void of any loving emotion it had normally held for me. I guess in terms of importance, it was ridiculous of me to think I'd be able to hold any sway over him as he faced his childhood trauma head on. My fingers fumbled with the mechanism, and to be honest, I was stalling. I don't know why, I wasn't sure at all what I was thinking, but something was telling me to wait... just a little bit.

Chaos: Bakugou Katsuki x OC x Dabi storyWhere stories live. Discover now