I'll Do Me, You Do You

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Bakugou's POV

I was irritable as the night went on. It was all I could do to let you have your space and fawn over Melissa, but something didn't feel right. As Icy Hot went over the details of the raid, I couldn't help but feel skeptical. It was too easy, the pieces didn't fit together right in my mind. How was it that it went from being so difficult to find Melissa to in a matter of days she was essentially tossed in our lap. As Icy Hot and Deku continued to talk something seemed off. I couldn't keep my gaze from falling on Melissa as she talked to you, hugged you, laughed with you. She was too carefree. She was too comfortable. This wasn't the demeanor of someone who had just been held captive for two months. No, something wasn't right.

As the night wore on, I seemed to be the only one not feeling the celebratory spirit. Everyone was talking, singing, and having a great time. It made me sick, I couldn't stand it. I was close to going to get you and dragging you to bed with me when Pinky and Shitty Hair had the audacity to stand on my kitchen island, calling attention to themselves.

"Guys!!! Guys! HEY LISTEN UP!" Everyone quieted down, turning their gazes to the two idiots.

"Get the fuck off my countertop you fucking morons!"

"RELAX, Bakuhoe! We just have a quick announcement!" Pinky hollered, throwing her arms around Shitty Hair's neck.

"I asked Mina to marry me, and she said yes!" A chorus of cheers rang throughout my house as everyone ran up to them, engulfing them into a giant group hug. Questions were bombarded onto them as they laughed. I was happy for my friends, I truly was, but I couldn't shake the scowl on my face. They finally jumped down, Pinky instantly caged by the other women in the house as Shitty Hair approached me, clasping my shoulder and with a shit eating grin he spun me around.

"Bakugou, I know you aren't one to want to be in the center of all the noise unless it's a fight, but I want you to be my Best Man. After all, you're my best bro." His face was flushed, his eyes shining with anticipation and happiness.

"Yeah, fine. Whatever." I scoffed in agreement, sending the fool into a fit of blubbering.

"Oh man, thank you so much, Bro! You'll be the manliest Best Man!"

I turned away from him as Dunce Face started wailing dramatically at being asked to be a groomsman. These fucking idiots, I couldn't get over how nonchalant everyone was being. Was I really the only one who wasn't feeling right about this? Was everyone else so high on their own 'successful' mission they couldn't see what was sitting in front of them? My gaze focused back on you, fuck, you looked so happy, like you were in such a state of complete bliss that it made me uneasy. They even convinced you everything was alright, huh Firefly? As I continued to watch you I felt an unwelcome presence settle beside me.

"I didn't know they brought just any trash off the street into my fucking house," I grumbled, refusing to meet the eyes I could feel burning into me.

"Well, I wasn't originally going to make an appearance, but after careful consideration of how much you would absolutely loathe me being here, I decided it was the lesser of two evils." His deep voice drawled out smugly.

"Why don't you do everyone a fucking favor and go hang yourself on Sensei's old bondage scarf, you fucking Troll Doll." I growled, turning to walk away from him and the rest of the group. Unfortunately I heard his heavy footfalls behind me. Now he was fucking following me. This man had a fucking death wish.

"Tch. Still telling people to go kill themselves. Honestly, Bakugou, I thought you might have learned your lesson after all the shit you put Midoriya through." His sneer echoed through the hall as I tried to push back the childhood memories. The shame I felt resurfaced from the depths I tried too desperately to bury. I spun around, finally locking my gaze with his own purple orbs.

Chaos: Bakugou Katsuki x OC x Dabi storyWhere stories live. Discover now