You think I'm dangerous (part 3)

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Bakugou's POV

Tokyo, Japan, 18:00

"Right this way, Dynamight!" The redheaded assistant led me to a pair of large, oak double doors, knocking lightly, she paused, then opened the doors, motioning for me to enter. I nodded at her, and made my way to the desk before me.

"O-oh, Hi, Kacchan!" I glare over at Deku, seeing him sitting along the side with none other than that Icy-Hot bastard.

"What the Hell are you doing here, Deku," I groan while looking between the two.

"Well, Dynamight, this seemed like a situation that was in need of the top three heroes our nation has to offer. Why don't you have a seat, read over the report quickly before Dr. Kobayashi arrives." The beige haired man motions over to a chair on the adjacent wall, handing me a file. I open the pages, shifting through them, scanning over each page while half listening to the conversation before me.

"As I was saying, Sir, I believe Deku would be the best fit for the rescue mission geared towards Dr. Shield, I can stay behind here in Tokyo, covering the press and any activity that needs to be dealt with, while Dynamight handles his mission back in Hosu-" Icy-Hot was rambling on about covering hero work for both of us? Wait, what?!

"What the hell is this shit?!" I tear through a page that has been designated as my 'mission' if that's what you can even call it. "I'm a fucking babysitter now?!" I feel the veins in my forehead and neck threatening to pop at any moment; what is this, they pulled me away from my agency to have me coddle some poor fucking brat who is too scared to take care of herself. This is fucking bogus.

"Actually, Bakugou, if you read through the entire report, you'll see why you were selected," Icy-Hot retorted coolly, pushing more of my buttons.

"Let me give you a brief synopsis," the beige haired man cleared his throat before continuing. "Dr. Kobayashi is a rather important individual in the world of science, as well as the world of hero informatics. Her research into quirk developments, mutations, and destruction is rivaled to no one. She is a valuable asset to the community. Now, she is also a special case. Her quirk is a powerful one," My ears perked up at mention of her quirk. If this crazy bitch had a quirk powerful enough to be noticed by the Commission then why was she playing Bill Nye the Science guy the last decade?

"Her quirk is Chaos. It is similar to that of telekinesis but with energy manifestations. She also is extremely unlucky as a result. If a bad thing can happen around her, it will. It is only a matter of time. Her quirk is highly sensitive to emotional manipulation, therefore she isn't in control when she reaches full power. Due to her leaning more towards science based learning rather than heroics training, her quirk was never given the attention that you received while in schooling. As a result, she requires supervision during these stressful times to make sure she stays grounded, while we also have someone keeping an eye on her who is physically able to handle needing to take the steps necessary for the safety of the people." He glanced at me, his black eyes lazily boring into mine. "She has a temper that could very easily rival yours. I suggest that you focus on helping her reign in her emotions, help her train to control her quirk, and also make the call if things get out of hand." I stared into his pitch black orbs with unease. Here the Hero Commission was, essentially telling me if need be I was to put this girl down. I ran my hands through my hair, clearing my throat. No wonder no one else was jumping at this opportunity.

"Understood," was all I could say, looking back down at her file, my eyes lingering on her head shot. She held such a disinterested look, pure inconvenience laced her eyes, and her face expressionless. Her eyes held a familiarity to them, almost like they were eyes I had stared into for years. Through the photo alone you could read the trauma that laced them. Eyes that had already seen so much in such a short amount of time. How the girl in this picture could match the temper they were swearing she had was beyond me. She might be snarky, sure, what woman wasn't? She was trying to make a name for herself, why were so many trying to paint her to be some kind of monster?

That's when the door swung open harshly, banging off the side wall, causing all four of us to look up at the sudden intrusion. Before me stood the real life incarnation of the emotionless girl pictured in my hands. Although, she doesn't seem so emotionless now. Her amber colored eyes shot daggers at each of us in the room, her face set into a deep scowl, her jaw clenched, lips curled into a snarl. Her lilac hair was a mess with exhaustion, but she held a beauty that was still captivating. The pools of amber swirled with a mixture of emotions: yet when they landed on me it almost seemed like I could make out a flicker of softness. 

I bet she was absolutely breathtaking when she smiled. What the fuck was I thinking. I can't say that type of shit. My eyes jumped back to hers and I felt like I could swim in their warmth all night. This feeling was so bizarre. Why was I so pulled in by her? Her picture was one thing; yeah she might be photogenic but you couldn't still really get an idea of the aura she possessed. 

This woman was powerful in so many ways. 

I had never been so enticed to be around someone before. 

Well, I had... but that was so long ago, I did everything I could to push those feelings away. I had been so successful in doing so, this was completely foreign to me. What the hell was my problem? I needed to distract myself, I was going to get caught staring and it was going to be embarrassing. My eyes flicked to behind her, and what I saw was a sight I hadn't missed one bit. The indigo hair and eye bag riddled face was easy to see over the short flame in front of him; easily towering over the girl by at least seven inches. I felt anger seethe through me. There is no fucking way...

"Why the FUCK are you here, Troll Doll?!"

Chaos: Bakugou Katsuki x OC x Dabi storyWhere stories live. Discover now