Epilogue: Worlds Collide pt. 1

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Hello all you Beautiful Creatures...
Here I am, as promised, back on my bullshit!
In Celebration of Blasty Boy's Birthday I've wrote some trash no one has asked for:

Katsuki and Taru's Honeymoon.

This will be a short, mini part installment just because I desperately want some disgustingly sweet fluff. Happy Birthday, Boom Boom Boy <3

3rd Person POV

"Izuku! You didn't have to do this!" Taru practically squealed as she threw her arms around her green hair friend's neck. She was frantically hopping up and down, her skin vibrating under Izuku's touch as he laughed, squeezing his long lost childhood friend tightly.

"Of course I did, Taru-chan! Kacchan and you are my best friends. I wanted to do something nice for you both." Izuku cheered, his freckled face was flushed as he gave Bakugou an apologetic smile while the lilac haired woman continued to praise him, smothering his face with erratic kisses.

"Firefly, will you calm the fuck down." Bakugou groaned, sliding his hand down his face with an exasperated sigh. "Dek-Izu... she's right. You don't have to do this." The ash blonde grumbled, staring down at the plane tickets sitting on a bed of decorative tissue paper as he balanced the small box on his knee.

"I know, I know, but just hear me out?" He pleaded, his stormy green eyes sparkled with excitement as he met Bakugou's vermilion glare.

"I'm not sure I want to hear what bullshit you've managed to spin." Bakugou muttered, tossing the small box onto the coffee table before he flung himself against the back of the couch.

"You guys have had a really stressful time: it was a pretty hectic reunion, then dealing with the investigation, everything with Dabi-" Bakugou bristled at the mention of the villain responsible for damn near every shitty situation he and Taru had been involved in the last year and a half. "-and then with the push to speed run the wedding, you guys deserve to just take some time and relax. Both of you." Izuku reasoned, wrapping his arms around Taru's waist, setting his chin on her shoulder as she finally settled into his lap, still bouncing with glee as she looked at her brooding husband with hopeful eyes.

"I've never been to Otheon, Suki! This is so crazy!" She chirped, clapping like an excited child with a giggle.

"You're not missing much." Bakugou huffed out, crossing his arms over his chest. He tried to hold his resolve, the last thing he wanted was to accept such a lavish gift from Deku, but the longer Taru's amber eyes begged him he felt himself wavering.

"Kacchan, you know that's not true!" Izuku scolded, giving his best friend a stony look. "You haven't been there since we were teens. I was able to visit Rody a year ago, and it's an absolutely beautiful country." He turned his gaze to Taru, his eyes softening as he looked at her with the adoration as he would a sister. "You'll love it Taru; there's so much history. It borders the Bay of Biscay. I know how crazy you are about ancient culture." He teased, pinching her inked skin, covered in murals dedicated to ancient mythology.

"I think it's a very thoughtful gift, Izuku. No matter how much Katsuki grumbles, I know he appreciates it just as much. Isn't that right, Wonderboy?" She cooed at her agitated husband.

"Whatever, Shitty Woman."

"Rody is more than happy to show you guys around. When I mentioned it to him he was ecstatic." Izuku beamed.

"Because he fucking loves to irritate the piss out of me." Bakugou growled, glaring at Taru when she blew a raspberry, laughing at her husband's distress.

Chaos: Bakugou Katsuki x OC x Dabi storyWhere stories live. Discover now