Correlation and Causation

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Shinso's POV

My boot stomped down on the top of her knee as I pulled the binding cloth tighter eliciting a high pitch scream of agony to echo off the brick and mortar surrounding us.

"I'm not going to ask you again, Toga! Where the fuck are you hiding Melissa?!" My voice straining as I holler at the bloodied, broken girl beneath me as a demented smile spread across her face.

"Oh, Hitoshi Shinso! You're so broken, aren't you?" an airy giggle escapes her lips. "It's always awful when our love isn't reciprocated, isn't it? To watch the person you love fall in love and give themselves to someone else? Hmmmm" Her golden eyes are still shining as the swelling in her face threatens to close them.

"I know how it feels, Shinso-san. I love Izuku and Ochako more than words can describe, but they are too distracted by one another to even notice me! How is that fair?" Her voice was becoming shrill, unhinged as she gripped the binding cloth trying to pull away from my boot.

"Shut up, unless your next words are telling me what I want to know, I suggest you be quiet for once." I was seething. She didn't know shit. She was just trying to get under my skin.

"Oh? But you have it so much worse, don't you, Shinso-san? You had Hotaru-chan, she was all yours. Then Katsuki-kun stole her awa-AHHH" My boot connected with her ribs before I could even register what I had done. Toga began coughing relentlessly, gasping for air in between her high pitch laughs.

"Shinso?" I turned toward the familiar voice to find Deku's freckled face holding a somber expression. "Shinso, you have to calm down and take it easy. I don't know how they have you doing things Stateside, but we don't do this in Japan anymore. Not for a long time."

I turned back to Toga, staring at her arrogant face as she continued to giggle. "Toga, who do you love more, Izuku or Ochako?"

Her eyes gleamed at the idea of discussing love interests, "Oh my goodness-" then her expression dropped, eyes dulled and she stopped struggling.

"Toga, you will let Deku put restraints on you, then you will follow him into custody for questioning." Toga nodded, raising her hands together as Deku placed quirk erasing cuffs on the unstable blonde, pulling her to her feet and pulling her toward the police cruiser that parked behind us moments later.

"Don't think we are done having this conversation, Shinso. I know you're upset about how things are going between you and Taru-chan, but there is so much you don't understand. I will be more than happy to explain the situation," Deku paused when a persistent buzzing whirled in his pocket. Handing off Toga to the offieres, Deku answers his phone.

"Kacchan, this is a nice surprise, is every-" Frantic yelling rings from the earpiece of his phone, cutting him off as his face falls slightly. It is nearly impossible to make out but I hear just enough to send my heart into a panic.

"Hotaru is missing! She went in the backyard and now she's gone! Izu, I don't know what to do!"

I couldn't contain the fear that was consuming me as Deku and I sprinted along the rooftops, gaining ground toward Bakugou's current location. Deuk insisted on starting there and spreading out farther in whatever direction the clues would lead us instead of wasting our efforts with no clear plan of action. Others were supposed to meet us there. Apparently Bakugou wasn't so proud that he couldn't ask for help when it came to you; that stung. If you were able to pull a fucking lug like that to his knees, that only meant things had grown between the two of you. I wasn't shocked, you were an ethereal presence all on your own, any man would jump at the opportunity, and Bakugou was no different. That much was evident the night at the club. I felt bile rise in my throat as I thought back, the way he was with you. Gentle yet possessive, and you had let him. I truly had fucked up, and all it took was seeing you find solace in someone else to make me realize how much I had lost. Now, you were potentially in danger, a situation, I would never admit aloud, I thought you would never be in, while in Bakugou's care.

Chaos: Bakugou Katsuki x OC x Dabi storyWhere stories live. Discover now