The Domino Effect

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??? POV

??? Location

" 'Dynamight and those at his agency have adamantly wished to keep their personal, family, and romantic lives private due to the high risk of the hero profession and the sacrifices they make to help keep the people of Japan safe. At this time, Dynamight has chosen not to comment.' While it hasn't been set in stone, it is safe to say that the competition to win the affection of our boorish heartthrob is heating up."

The screen of the television was paused, focusing on the final picture in the montage of late night stills captured at the nightclub. A short, lilac-haired woman standing sheepishly in front of the statuesque, ash blonde as he towered over her smaller frame, holding her face delicately while kissing her cheek.

"Well, this is an interesting development, wouldn't you say? I figured the Commission would have jumped at the chance to get in our way, but this?" A scratchy voice sneers, as a pale hand flings the remote to the floor.

"Don't get too discouraged. After all, this helps us finally figure out where she's been hiding. We now know that she left the States immediately after our attempt in Seattle. It's safe to assume that if Dynamight is involved, then Deku is as well. This isn't a setback, this is the exact push forward we needed." A deep voice calmly states as heavy footsteps echo through the mostly barren room. "Think of this as a 'two birds, one stone' situation. What do you say, Blondie?"

Muffled sobs can barely be heard from the corner of the dimly lit room. The light from the television casting a soft, halo-like glow around the scant furniture; beat up arm chairs, dust covered end tables, a ratty sofa. The aged walls accented by the peeling of yellowed wallpaper, cracked light fixtures, and the occasional hole. Just barely within view are a pair of dirty, scabbed feet tied to the legs of a wooden dining chair. The torn, soot covered cocktail dress offers barely any relief from the chill, damp air of the room. Matted blonde hair sticks to her tear and mascara stained face, duct tape covering a large portion under her nose. Small whimpers are barely audible from her gag as she shakes her head, pulling on the restraints of her arms. The metallic flick of a lighter echoes through the still room as the same heavy footfalls approach the disheveled blonde in the corner. The squelch of leather exaggerating his movements as the dark figure kneels before her, face barely illuminated by the ember at the end of his cigarette, but his turquoise eyes gleamed with a vicious excitement as they bore into her own. A wicked smirk pulling the skin taut around his stapled flesh.

"Tell me, Blondie, does your little Doll of a friend normally go for those ruthless hot-headed types like that tool," His thumb motions back to the television at the picture of Taru and Dynamight, "Just 'cause, if she's looking for a good time with a bad guy, well then," his hand comes back down, gripping her leg right above her knee, digging his fingernails into her flesh, "She's going to love me." His hand begins to heat up, as the woman in the chair strains herself trying to pull away to no avail, hysterical sobs choked out from behind the duct tape, fresh tears shining down her cheeks as the blue flames that dance between the man's fingers singe her skin.

"Think of it this way: We only need you to do two small things for us, then you're free to go! We need you to agree to help us. Once you agree, you just have to lure that little Doll within reach, then trick Deku to incapacitate him. That's it! I'm sure after a little persuasion she will be more than willing to work with us. It's a pretty fair offer, your freedom for your friend's lives." The smell of cigarette and alcohol lingered heavily on his breath as it filled the air around the woman who was frantically shaking her head as her sobs morphed into a fit of hyperventilation.

The man pulled his hand away, the blue flames disappearing as he raised back up, blisters forming on the bare skin of her thigh. "Think about it, Blondie. You still have time, but not much. After all, it would be a shame if something happened to that Old Man of your's, too." With that, the cerulean eyed man walked out of the room, leaving only the shadowed figure sitting on the ratty couch in the room with her.

Chaos: Bakugou Katsuki x OC x Dabi storyWhere stories live. Discover now