Give me a sign

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Bakugou's POV

I sat at the table with my head in my hands as I tuned out the anxious, prattling voices that filled the room. I have been stuck in my head for over three weeks now. Three. Fucking. Weeks. For three weeks, I didn't know where you were. I didn't know if you were even still in Japan. For  I didn't know if you were even still alive. I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep, I couldn't focus, I couldn't function. I kept replaying the entire ordeal over in my head, the memory crystal clear as if it had just happened an hour ago. Your trembling frame, bloodied and battered crying because of me. Crying because I hadn't been honest with you. I felt your heartbreak from across the room, it had shredded me to my core. How could I still call myself your hero when I caused you that much pain? You left because of me, you left with Him because of me.

And yet... you gave me something before you walked away. You gave me a shred of hope.

Your eyes still shined with that sparkle of love. Your expression was serious, but still etched with adoration. You looked me dead in the eye and you gave me a sign.

Trust me.

Your lips formed the words, giving the slightest nod before you took his hand and walked away.

Trust me.

I trusted you, Firefly. I trusted you with my life. Even as these fucking extras around me panicked, as the Hero Commission tried claiming you were a traitor, as everyone around me lost faith; I didn't. But fuck was I becoming tired. I just needed a sign, Babygirl, that's it. Just a sign, anything to let me know that you were still okay, for me to keep this hope inside me.

"Kacchan?" My head snapped up and out of my thoughts, eyes falling on Deku's worried face. Exhaustion deepened the lines of his normally chipper expressions, the dark circles under his eyes were starting to become as prominent as Troll Doll's. "Was there anything you wanted to add?" His voice held a somber trace of pity. It made me fucking sick; all these bastards fucking pittied me.

"You're all wrong." The sound of my voice was more hoarse than normal, cracking slightly. The room stilled, the silence hanging over us all with an unspoken fear. The fear that I was permanently out of the game. All of these fucking assholes thought I was broken, and to be fair, to some extent I was, however I wasn't broken in the way they thought. I was waiting for you.

"You're not looking at this logically, Bakugou-" Icy-Hot was the first to speak up before I cut him off, standing too quickly causing the chair to crash back onto the floor.

"No, none of you fucking extras are looking at this logically. Goddamnit, you fuckers just need to shut up for two minutes and let me fucking speak!" My fists came down on the table, sparks popping from my hands. Silence once again.

"I'm telling you, she's not a traitor, she's not a double agent, she's not a spy. She's trying to help us. Hotaru isn't someone who would do that. She walked into this with a plan. I know her, for fuck sakes, I know her better than anyone. She thinks she needs to solve this problem herself, she's internalizing everything that's happened these last six months as her own personal doing." I clenched my fists tighter, feeling my eyes well with tears, the exhaustion weakening my resolve.

"We just need to wait for her signal. She's going to reach out for us, and when she does that's when we act. No hesitation." I looked up, my eyes scanning over the room meeting the fretting faces of my cohorts. Many of them couldn't meet my gaze, causing me to click my tongue in annoyance.

"If you fucking weaklings won't do it, then I will by my damn self. I can tell you one thing for fucking sure, though. If any of you try to stop me from helping her, from saving her. If any of you get in between us, I will end you. Each and every one of you." A firm, strong hand grips my shoulder tightly.

Chaos: Bakugou Katsuki x OC x Dabi storyWhere stories live. Discover now