Uneasy Hearts

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Hotaru's POV

"You sure about this, Dollface?" Touya lounged lazily on his side, his bare chest on display, his sweats hung dangerously low on his hips as he propped up on his elbow, his turquoise orbs trailed over my frame before meeting my own in the reflection of the mirror. I gave him a soft smile as I finished zipping up the side of my skirt before turning to face him. His eyes flickered over to my left forearm, his gaze softening to a sadden expression as he stared at my blatantly obvious suicidal attempt. It had been two months since then, the site was simply a puckered, deep purple that contrasted harshly against my porcelain tone. A wave of guilt and hurt radiated from Touya, I knew he blamed himself, but I didn't want that. He needed to understand that I just wanted to free myself from all the wretched bullshit that had consumed my life from day one. I never stood a chance and I completely grasped that now. My life was never my own.

"I'm positive. You said it yourself, this is the best way to go about it." I walked over to him slowly before crawling over his legs, pushing Touya back against the bed while straddling across his hip. I slowly walked my fingers up the ridges of his abs, tracing the patchwork lines of his scars and soft flesh. A devious smirk flashed across his face, his hands trailing up my thighs, under my skirt as I leaned forward, caging his head between my hands.

"We played our cards right; We have Uncle convinced that everything is working in his favor, this evening I'll have Giran eating out of my hand for you on a silver platter, and then it won't be much longer until the big fish himself is in our net." I poke his nose gently, giving him a beaming smile.

"Besides, this is something we both want, what we both need. This is going to give us closure." I whispered softly before closing the gap between us with a gentle kiss. Touya's hands gripped my thighs tighter as a groan of pleasure rumbled from his throat.

"You've never taken a life before, Pretty Girl. There isn't any turning back from this once we start. I just want you to know; No take backs." His voice was soothing, but stern as he spoke, his cerulean eyes gleaming with malice and excitement as he spoke.

"No take backs." I murmur against his mouth before giving him one last, deep kiss.


The stench of stale alcohol and cigarette smoke hung in the air causing my stomach to churn as I bit back the bile rising in my throat while sauntering up to the bar in the dirty showgirls club. Giran had purchased the strip club several years ago but never really put any money into it, rather he just ran the establishment into the ground allowing for a less than proper clientele to accumulate. I rested my elbows on the grime covered bar top, watching the burly bartender help a few rough looking men at the opposite end of the bar.

"Surprised to see you here. Between Dabi and Satsui, I didn't think you'd be allowed anywhere near this place." A deep voice purred beside me. Biting back the wave of nausea as the man's voice was enough to make my skin crawl, I gulped and turned to flash him a beaming smile. Fake it 'til you make it, Bitch.

"Now, now, Yakumaru. If I didn't know any better it sounds like you don't want me here at all." I cooed, jutting out my bottom lip in a dramatic, fake pout as the greasy, black haired man chuckled before throwing back the rest of his drink.

"Never said that, Princess. Just saying, usually the pretty ones don't have to show up here. This place is for the less fortunates. You? You'd easily make a pretty penny at the other club. Not that Dabi would go for that. He has you on a short leash, don't he, Princess?" Yakumaru sneered as he leaned toward me, his bar stool screaming against the cracked linoleum. I rolled my eyes, and turned away from him as the bartender approached.

Chaos: Bakugou Katsuki x OC x Dabi storyWhere stories live. Discover now