Is this love that I'm feeling?

199 7 1

Fujiyoshida, Japan

Hotaru's POV

My mouth was hanging open at the sight before me. It was picturesque, something you would only see out of a movie, or backdrop of a novel. The large, modern home sat lined with an assortment of trees, a stone path leading from the garage to the front door, large windows making up the majority of the wall facing towards us. In the background you could see Mount Fuji towering over the city, deep purples and pinks surrounding the snow capped mountain as dusk crept around us.

"This is fucking unbelievable." My words left me in awe. Okay, so Katsuki Bakugou was a lot of things; He was arrogant, cranky, loud, and an overall pain in the ass more often than not, but I was also learning that this man had taste, expensive and flashy taste at that. Mina had mentioned that his parents were fashion designers, so that's probably where this inherent preference stemmed from. But holy shit.

"You might want to close your mouth, you're drooling a bit." His cocky smirk flashing at me from over his shoulder as he led the way to the door. Before unlocking the door, he punched in a pass code, similar to what he had to do at the Penthouse above his agency. Gesturing for me to enter after opening the door, I obliged, sliding my shoes off once inside. The open floor concept was similar to the loft, but on a much grander scale. Neutral, dark tones were the staple of everything in the home, accented occasionally by some orange, green, or red. The kitchen was massive, counter top cook stove, double decker ovens, cabinets, wine racks, and an island with bar stools. The living room had an updated version of 70s pit seating filled with soft looking pillows, a large television on the far wall adjacent to the large wall of glass facing the mountain view.

"Come on, Firefly, I'll show you the guest room." Katsuki nodded his head to the stairs for me to continue to follow. Scampering up after him, he stopped in front of a door, "This is your room. Set it up however you like. You have a small bathroom attached inside and a closet." Walking in, I looked around and admired how similar this room was to the previous one we had been sharing. Black bedding draped over a queen size bed, a decent size dresser, and two doors stood on the far right wall, the bed sitting to look out over the yard and garden.

"The windows all have alarms, even in the event of a power outage, they remain active through a generator. So, if anyone tries to force entry anywhere, not only will the alarm sound, but I will get a notification as to where in the house and an alert is sent to the police office in town."

"How thorough of you, Wonderboy. Some might even say you're paranoid." I coo at him, earning a scoff as he brushes past me.

"No, I'm just taking this shit seriously. As should you. Don't unlock the windows, and don't leave them open. Be mindful."

I follow him out of the room as he makes his way down the hallway. "So, where are you staying?"

"In my room. What sort of dumbass question is that?" He turns, hands in his pockets as he glares at me curiously.

"Oh, well... I was just wondering is all." I mutter, tugging at the hem of the hoodie I was wearing. I didn't want to admit it, but I was a little disappointed we weren't sharing a room anymore. I had gotten used to his company. I didn't want to seem clingy, but I mean we had literally just kissed... His mood was all over the place today. We did nothing but bicker our typical banter the entire car ride, he threw me into the pond, we had a total romance novel bullshit moment afterward in the rain, and now he was looking at me with a mixture of annoyance and boredom. His emotions were chaotic: Confusion, guilt, longing, anticipation, worry, happiness, love. It was the feelings of love and happiness that had become a typical baseline while I was around Katsuki, but they were being drowned and overwhelmed by all the negativity he was harboring. Did he regret kissing me? Was he maybe worried that I was regretting it?

Chaos: Bakugou Katsuki x OC x Dabi storyWhere stories live. Discover now