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Bakugou's POV

The car ride back to Hosu was silent. I could imagine how exhausted she must be, the snarky attitude wasn't really helping, it was wasting energy she really didn't have left. I was irritated with the entire scenario, sure. I had to drop everything I was doing, become a 24/7 babysitter to a woman one year younger than me for an indefinite amount of time. The worst part was she seemed to already live for pushing my buttons. The last hour and a half she's become fixated on only calling me 'Wonderboy' which got old the second time she used it. She's got room to talk considering her name literally means 'firefly'.

What a bitch.

"We are almost there, about ten more minutes." I gruff out, taking a quick, side glance at her, then locking my eyes back on the road.

"Hmmm." she hums, almost as if paying me no mind. I felt my eyes roll. This brat was going to end up being the death of me. I can feel it.

I let out a sigh, turned into the parking garage beneath my agency, and quickly pulled up to the elevator.

"Get your bags, I'll go unlock the elevator so we can head up and you can rest." I exit the car, not waiting for a response, reaching the elevator, I enter the passcode, the door dings open, I step inside, smack the lock button, and turn back to help. Without a word I reach out, grab two of her bags and motion for her to walk into the elevator. The door pings once we make it to the 10th floor.

"There is a penthouse in my agency that I stay at sometimes, we are going to stay here for a few days while a few security measures are being added to my house. Then, you'll be staying with me for the duration of your contract," I led her down out of the elevator to a large stainless steel door, entering another passcode, and motioning once again for her to enter. I glance at her face, and the surprise is clear. I chuckle as I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket once more. Groaning, I point towards the staircase, "The last room on the right is the bedroom, make yourself at home. I need to make a few calls," with that I made my way to the balcony, sliding the door closed while thumbing through my contacts.

"Oi, Bakubro! Did you make it back yet?"

"Yeah, we just got to the agency. You and Dunce Face need to stop by so we can go over tactics for the next few days. She's staying here with me until Goggles bitch finishes the upgrade at my place." I huff out, leaning against the railing.

"Bakugou, you need to be nicer to Mei. She's doing you a huge solid with all that work last minute. Kami and I will be there in a few, just finishing up the last of patrol."

"Alright Kiri, see you soon." I hung up, not waiting for a reply. The wave of the last twelve hours hitting me like a bus, I run my hands down my face, straightening up. 

Alright, Katsuki, let's go start a fight.

Hotaru's POV

I stand in the kitchen, looking around at the surprisingly spacious loft. The open concept and modern amenities have me crunching numbers in my head. How much money does this guy have?! I guess being the Number 2 hero in Japan meant something, but damn.

"The last room on the right is the bedroom, make yourself at home. I need to make a few calls," Bakugou husks out, turning on his heel, his left arm gesturing toward the stairs. He slides open the massive glass pane that separates the living area from the balcony, toying on his phone, carefully closing the glass behind him. Okay, well I guess I might as well get to lugging... I grab the smaller of my bags, and trudge upstairs, following his directions, stopping at the last door on the right. I hesitate... There are only two doors on the entire floor, assuming one is the bathroom. Maybe there is another bedroom downstairs, I honestly didn't look around. Letting out a shaky breath as the events of the last two days are finally starting to weigh me down, pushing the door open I'm met with a rather spacious bedroom. Walls are painted a matte pewter, a King size bed adorned with black bedding and pillows nestled along the far right wall. A large screen T.V. hangs from the opposite wall, the night sky littered with lights gleams in from the adjacent wall of windows, framed by black and pewter curtains. Two doors on the opposite wall, one sitting on either side of the television and dresser. I slowly walk to the bed, gliding my fingers along the material. It's as soft as it looks. I hum to myself, turn and sit on the edge, bouncing slightly to gauge if Bakugou is a soft or firm man.

"You left the rest of your shit in the kitchen," a gruff voice echoed through the silent room. Snapping my head up, I met the scowling gaze of crimson eyes piercing through me.

"Well, if you would have given me a moment, I would have gotten the rest of my bags, but thanks Wonderboy," I sneered at Bakugou while lifting myself off the bed, approaching my bags to attempt putting a few things away. As I reached out to take my bag from his hand, he pulled back, keeping them away from me.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I huffed out, giving him a look of disgust as a mischievous smirk flirted on the ash blonde's lips.

"I told you to stop calling me that, Firefly. Put some respect behind my name, and I'll give you your shit back," His eyes flashed with anticipation, and he somehow stood straighter, looming over me.

"Are you seriously trying to pick a fucking fight with me right now, because that is the last fucking thing you want to do," I threatened, venom dripping from my words as I took another step closer, his smirk growing even wider.

"Maybe I am, Shortcake, what the fuck are you going to do about it?" His words were an odd melody of malice and excitement.

 This man is completely insane.

"Then I guess you better back those words up, Wonderboy. Tell me, is there anywhere in this shithole of a building that I won't destroy while I kick your ass?" I cracked my knuckles glaring daggers at the cocky asshole in front of me. His red eyes looked over me slowly, evaluating me. It felt like he was trying to size me up, maybe trying to gauge how much seriousness was behind my threat. After a moment, he snorts, nudging his head to the side.

"Follow me, Shortcake, maybe I can knock that fucking attitude down a peg or two," He turned on his heel, marching back toward the elevator. I was fuming. He seriously wanted to pick a fucking fight with me? Now, of all times? As I marched into the elevator after him, I watched him smash the 5th floor button with his knuckles, his eyes not once leaving my face as we began our descent. He was watching me, studying me. Shinso's words echoed in my mind, and it all clicked together. He wanted to see what I was capable of. After all, words on a paper can only match a description so much. Bakugou was a lot of things, but if there was one thing I quickly picked up on, he wasn't an idiot. He was baiting me, he wanted to gauge my skills, my weaknesses, my quirk, my burnout. He wanted to piss me off so I would go all out. It almost worked. Almost.

I'm getting really sick of men underestimating me.

Chaos: Bakugou Katsuki x OC x Dabi storyWhere stories live. Discover now