Little Things

492 7 0

October 29

It's been a long time since I've seen Harry. We've been extremely busy after our DisneyLand experience. I had five interviews today and Harry's been promoting Little Things with the rest of the boys. Harry didn't want to spill anything about the song nor the video but once I saw it, I started to cry.

I saw it in my way to the George Lopez Show on the car with my sister next to me. She was the one who told me that it came out and showed me it on her iPhone. By the end of the video, I was really emotional. I wonder how their fans must feel right now. Probably going through their 'feels' as they like to call it.

@Harmonyy<3: shout out to @OneDirection for their brilliant single Little Things! You boys were amazing! Had me crying ._. <3 xx

"Oh! I got a text!" Ariana said as she tapped her phone's screen and we both gazed at the text message.

From: Jai <3

Hi cutie (: I hope you woke up with that beautiful smile on your face <3 when am I going to finally meet you? X

"Wait up, who's Jai?" I asked her as she kept smiling down at the text and admired it with a hint of blush on her cheeks.

"He's from the Janoskians. They're Australian boys who can sing." She said.

"You mean like One Direction but Australian?"

She nodded.

"So what are you going to do? He certainly wants to meet you." I said.

"I know." She sighed. "I just don't know when."

"What about New Years? We're going to be in New York that week, why not him meet us there?" I asked.

Her smile soon turned into a grin and she started jumping from excitement. "Yeah! I'll ask him!"

As she texted her admirerer, I looked back at my phone and noticed a few notifications from Twitter.

@OneDirection: @Harmonyy<3 thanks, love! We wish you luck on your single! Smashing it (: X Liam X Zayn X Niall

@LouisTomlinsom: We have that effect on people love (; x @Harmonyy<3

I giggled at Louis tweet and looked down at the last one.

@HarryStyles: thanks baby! (: call me? I miss the sound of your voice <3

My heart fluttered from his cute remark.

"There." Ariana said, taking me away from my trance and showing me the text she sent to Jai.

To: Jai <3

Hi ! Aww you're cute c: how about on New Years Eve? My sister, brother, and I are going to be hanging out there for the week. Maybe you can catch us there? (:

He phone beeped revealing a new text.

From: Jai <3

Yeah! I can totally do that! Give me the deets later? (:

To: Jai <3

Sure! Can't wait to finally meet you! :D

I left her alone texting her guy while I called mine. The phone beeped, signaling that it was waiting for him to answer.

"Hello?" A deep voice asked. I could tell he was in a quiet room or wherever he was. No such noise was made.


He laughed at my greeting. "Hey love."

I smiled. I loved hearing his laugh and his voice. They were my addiction. "How are you?"

"Good." He sighed. "How's my princess?"

"She's alright." I giggled. "Just missing her prince."

He laughed again. "Well tell her that her prince will be coming to visit her soon."

"Kay." I smiled.

"Alright." He said. "So I heard you cried from Little Things."

I nodded even though he couldn't see me. "Yep. It got me very emotional."

"Aww." He cooed. "Wanna know a secret?"


"I wrote that song for you." He whispered.

Shock overtook me. "What? I thought your friend Ed Sheeran wrote it?"

"Yeah he helped me. It was my idea and he helped me write it. Did you like it?"

"Yeah it was incredible." I turned my head from the window and noticed that Ariana was still texting Jai with a smile on her face showing her dimples. "Aww."

"What?" Harry asked.

"Ariana has a secret admirerer." I giggled.

Her head was held up at the sound of her name. "Hey! His name is Jai!"

"Jai,huh?" Harry's deep voice asked through the line.


"Maybe we can double date." He suggested. "I can guarantee that she'll have him soon."

"How do you know?" My eyebrows creased.

"Cause I'm psychic." He joked.

"Sure." I laughed.

On the other line I heard a faint voice in the background calling Harry's name. "Baby I gotta go. We have interviews today so I gotta hang up. But I miss you boo."

I sighed, sadness overtaking me. "I miss you,too."

I could hear him give a deeply sigh."I'll see you very soon, okay? I'll come back to you."


"Always." He guaranteed.

"Alright well, I love you."

"Love you too." He said before hanging up.

Ariana didn't look up as I hung up and put my phone down. Seconds later, my phone beeped from a notification. Twitter.

@ArianaGrande: on our way to @GeorgeLopezShow ! Getting tortured from @HarryStyles and @Harmonyy<3 's conversation over the phone -__- x

@HarryStyles: hey! Don't think I don't know about you and @JaiBrooks ! (; @ArianaGrande

@ArianaGrande: whatever .--. @HarryStyles

The conversation ended but then another notification appeared on the screen just as I was about to log out.

@HarryStyles: Directioners, do you wanna know a secret? (; It wasn't just Ed who wrote Little Things but me aswell (: wanna know who I wrote it for? @Harmonyy<3 she doesn't think she's beautiful but in my eyes she is <3 do you girls mind trending #HarmonyIsBeautiful ? Ill follow some of you (: she's my weakness and I miss her so much x love her with all my heart xx

Five minutes later and #HarmonyIsBeautiful was trending. I looked down curiously at the other trending topics and noticed that #HarryLovesHarmmy was also trending. Even #JaiAndAriana was trending!

@ArianaGrande: aww @JaiBrooks we're trending! Haha (:

@JaiBrooks: aha! Cool (: @ArianaGrande

I took the time to tweet out also.

@Harmonyy<3: you guys are so sweet! You have no idea how much I love you guys! Thanks for trending #HarmonyIsBeautiful and #HarryLovesHarmmy <3 @HarryStyles an thank you mister for being my one and only! I love you boo <3 xx

@HarryStyles: no problem Hun x I love you too baby <3 @Harmonyy<3

I smiled and logged out counting down the days before I would see him again.

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